Page 5 - Gateways_2018_WINTER
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As a world-class conservation not-for-profit organization, to form the Pangolin Consortium
organization, the Chicago (see full story on page 26). Together, we are using research to
Zoological Society has build understanding and awareness to aid in the worldwide
racked up a long list of impressive conservation of pangolins.
firsts (for instance, being named August’s symposium was a true testament to this collaborative
spirit—more than 50 conservationists, rehabilitators, researchers,
the first zoo in the world to receive and animal care specialists from around the world gathered here
at Brookfield Zoo, all working to explore and implement strate-
the “Humane CertifiedTM” seal from gies for saving the pangolin from extinction. The symposium
was a success, and tremendous progress was made.
the American Humane Association).
This past August, it was a great While it is important for animal care experts to focus their
By Stuart D. Strahl, Ph.D. honor to add hosting the first Inter- efforts on saving the pangolin, you can help, too. As part of
President & CEO national Symposium for Pangolin the Consortium’s efforts, since 2016, we have cared for several
white-bellied tree pangolins at Brookfield Zoo, learning all we
Care and Conservation to this can about this fascinating species. I encourage you, on your next
important list. Pangolins are the visit, to stop by Habitat Africa! The Forest to see one of our
most illegally trafficked mammal pangolins. When people develop and foster an emotional connec-
in the world—it is estimated that tion to animals, real change can be made. Together, we can help
during the past 10 years, more than one million of these “scaly save the pangolin.
anteaters” have been poached from the wild—and yet, their plight
has gone largely unknown to the general public across the globe.
That’s why in 2014, the Society collaborated with five other
zoological institutions in the United States, and one private