Page 6 - Gateways_2018_WINTER
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News Bites continued

The latest noteworthy news from around Brookfield Zoo and beyond the gates is right at your fingertips.


  Age: 6 months

          Meet an Animal
PROGRAMS Ambassador

                 Each month, we’ll introduce you to one of Brookfield  his mother, 5-year-old Lucia, was not providing him with proper
                 Zoo’s Animal Ambassadors! Keep your eyes peeled,      maternal care. He is very social—staff hope that his charismatic
you just might run into these fascinating creatures on your next trip  personality will allow them to hold him as an adult (normally
to the zoo.                                                            porcupines’ sharp quills prevent this). Both of Quilbert’s parents,
  Typical day: Quilbert is a ball of energy. He is very active at      Lucia and 4-year-old Eddie, live in Hamill Family Play Zoo and are
night, and loves to run about and explore his habitat. He also loves   also part of our Animal Ambassador program.
to spend time with animal care specialists. He participated in his
first Zoo Chat in August, and has been delighting guests with            About prehensile-tailed porcupines: Prehensile-tailed
appearances throughout the park ever since.                            porcupines are native to South America and live in high-elevation
  Fun facts: Quilbert is the first prehensile-tailed porcupine to be   rain forests. They use their long tail to wrap around tree branches
born at Brookfield Zoo. He was hand-reared by animal care staff, as    while climbing, and are typically solitary creatures. The ends of
                                                                       their quills have a small barb (like a fish hook) that can snag the
                                                                       flesh of a predator if it gets too close.

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