Page 27 - Gateways_2017_Summer
P. 27

readiness, among other conditions, in females. For some                        ZOO17 Expires: 8/31/2017
animals, we collect these hormones every day to prepare
us for potential positive breeding situations because         EVENT WEEKEND
that’s the only way we can know if they are ovulating.
                                                              May 27th - 29th
Stacking the Deck
Among the other factors we are learning to consider is a      LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configuration, and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2017 The LEGO Group. 2017 © & ™ Lucasflim Ltd. All rights reserved.
species’ natural diet. For all animals, the proper diet is
critical to reproduction. Think about a human mother who          Opens Memorial Day Weekend
needs to eat the right foods because she’s “eating for two.”
Unlike people, though, many species have breeding seasons,    $1 Off Regular                                                  For kids
and that’s something we study. Females of these species have                                                                  ages 1-9
to be in a condition in which they can support the growth       Admission
of a fetus, but that happens only at certain times of year                                                                     Adults
and with specific food sources. Our Nutrition Department                  Expires 9/4/17                                          are
works hard to supply diets that promote seasonal variation.
                                                                                                            Only printed       always
   We have created seasonal diets for antelope, for                                                         coupons accepted    FREE!
example, because females need spring’s green growth to
not only give birth but also produce milk. We are one of
the few institutions that are working to breed echidnas
and, similar to antelope, have developed a specialized
diet that simulates their natural feeding cycles.

    Many species—including many birds, reptiles, and
amphibians—require the proper light cycle, when
they receive a very specific amount of sunlight during
their day. In a similar way, the temperature in some
animals’ environment must fall within a certain range
for reproduction to occur. When we are promoting
reproduction in these types of animals, we provide
these conditions as much as possible using UV lamps,
substrates for burrowing, and other techniques. And we
are continually researching and updating our methods.

   We have the distinction of claiming the first
offspring of many species in managed care in North
America, including black rhinos (way back in 1941)
and okapi (1959). But claiming the first offspring is
not our highest priority. More important is consistent
breeding. Consistency in breeding endangered species
is how we can preserve zoo populations’ genetic value.

   The end game is to retain as much genetic
diversity in our animal population as possible while
maintaining a proper demographic population structure
that promotes sustainability of the species. █

                                                              901 Leicester Road                                                                                                                                                                23
                                                              Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
                                                              (847) 439-COVE

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