Page 32 - Gateways_2017_Summer
P. 32
Accommodations for
People with Disabilities
Electronic convenience vehicle rentals
Quiet rooms
Adult changing tables
Family restrooms
Visual schedules
Noise-canceling headphones
Self-identifying badges
Social stories
Brookfield Zoo encourages everyone to experience the natural world and make connections with animals.
Life and Work Skills has a developmental disability and one we provide complimentary bus transporta-
In partnership with Helping Hand Center in five adults has physical or cognitive tion upon request.
and Project SEARCH, a nationwide challenges. We believe that zoos can
organization serving people with Zoo Camp for All: We estimate that
disabilities, we are piloting a program and must play a role in the lives of these 7% of our Zoo Camp participants have
in Illinois to help young people with individuals and their families. Our “A Zoo disabilities. Our goal is to provide them
disabilities transition to employment. for All” initiatives are among our most with an inclusive and enriching environ-
Adults with disabilities lose school- recent efforts to promote inclusion and ment. To this end, we employ a seasonal
supported programming when they access and provide opportunities that can counselor with experience working with
turn 22. To help bridge the gap, we are bring meaningful change to the lives of children with disabilities and provide spe-
providing internships that bolster career people with disabilities. cialized training to Camp staff. Additional-
skills and ease successful transitions into ly, we offer adaptive materials for Campers
the work world. During a nine-month Family Fun Saturdays: Research with special needs, as well as scholarships
program, participants cycle through three indicates that the presence of animals may through the National Inclusion Project.
zoo internships and receive classroom increase positive social behaviors in chil-
instruction from Helping Hand Center. dren with autism. Family Fun Saturdays Our efforts are ongoing. Staffed by
The program launched in October 2016, provide social opportunities and animal highly qualified informal educators, the
and nine interns currently participate. interaction for our youngest guests on the award-winning Hamill Family Play
autism spectrum. Families with children Zoo is visited by more than 300,000
young children and their families every
ages 3 to 6 are invited to our year. To better meet the needs of guests
Hamill Family Play Zoo with disabilities, we soon will develop
>1,700 Children who participated in ZOO CAMP before the exhibit opens to the an information resource center for their
caregivers, as well as new accessible quiet
7% Percent of ZOO CAMP children with disabilities public for nature play activities zones for children or family members who
developed in consultation with may need a tranquil space. █
20% Estimated percent of zoo guests with physical, occupational therapists.
cognitive, or developmental disabilities Group Visits: Organizations
(according to the Centers for Disease Control that serve people with disabilities
and Prevention)
Inclusive Programs and their families enjoy free visits
to the zoo. We offer a range of fun and
Last year, we also launched or expanded accessible activities, adapted tours, animal
a number of initiatives to make Brookfield encounters, and specially narrated Zoo
Zoo more enjoyable for people of all Chats and Dolphins in Action. Partici-
abilities. One in six American children pants receive admission and parking, and