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Newtrient was founded by 12 dairy coopera-       Council of  Farmer Cooperatives and National
             tives to “help farmers, technology providers,    Farmers Union.
             manure-based product developers and other        In a series of  policy recommendations, the
             stakeholders assess manure related challenges    alliance said digesters should be incentivized
             and opportunities.”
                                                              through a transferable production tax credit.
             Given the current market prices, Stoermann says   Its report also called for “support for the Agri-
             he wants to make sure dairy farms are treated    culture Environmental Stewardship Act, intro-
             fairly when a salesman knocks on their door.     duced by Sens. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and
                                                              Pat Roberts, R-Kan.” The bill would make
             “Sometimes the farmers don’t understand
             what the real opportunity is,” he says.          digester systems eligible for a 30% investment
             “There’s nothing wrong with somebody who’s       tax credit to offset upfront installation costs.
             going to bring in a lot of  capital getting a    Some critics object to subsidizing the digest-
             good return, but there comes a point when        ers, arguing that they primarily benefit very
             they need to share that back with the dairy,”    large farming operations. “These types of
             he says.                                         manure-to-energy schemes are a false solution

             Looking at current prices, Stoermann says a      to the climate impacts of  this industry,” says
             cow producing 20 or so MBTUs a year would        Tarah Heinzen, an attorney with Food and
             be worth about $1,600, but “we sometimes         Water Watch. “Putting scarce public resources
             see dairies being offered less than $100 for a   behind these technologies is going to only
             cow. That may be fine as a starting point. But   serve to entrench the factory farm industry
             it seems to us that if  you’re building a $10    and the natural gas industry.”
             to $15 million project next to a $10 to $15      She believes the money would be better spent
             million dollar dairy, that once you’ve cov-      on “truly renewable sources of  energy,” such
             ered your project costs and profitability, you   as solar and wind, and “truly sustainable
             should probably share more than 10% of  that     forms of  agriculture.”
                                                              Solar and wind energy sources currently
             Markets for low-carbon fuel are spreading.       receive their own tax incentives, but they are
             “You’ve had Oregon follow suit, I think          being phased out and a political fight is brew-
             Washington State is close to following suit      ing over extending them.
             with some kind of  carbon mitigation policy,”    While digesters generally make sense only for
             Kirk says. “So there’s a trend out on the West   larger operations, a Vermont program enables
             Coast that’s creating a nice stable platform for   farms with as few as 250 cows to make money
             investment.”                                     off digesters by selling electricity for nearly 20

             In addition, the CoBank report notes that        cents a kilowatt hour, said Stoermann.
             more than a dozen states have adopted clean      Stoermann also says that while anaerobic
             car standards, “suggesting broader LCFS          digestion “is not the perfect solution that some
             adoption.”                                       people say it is, it is a step in the right direc-
             Digesters also got a big endorsement recently    tion” for addressing climate change. “Because
             in a report from the Food and Agriculture Cli-   the methane never enters the atmosphere
             mate Alliance, whose co-chairs include leaders  and the carbon dioxide from the fossil fuel
             from the American Farm Bureau Federa-            never enters the atmosphere, it reduces GHG
             tion, Environmental Defense Fund, National       impact twice,” he said.

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