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                                                                      Benefit: Reduce the amount of methane
                                                                      that cattle belch into the air. Cattle
                                                                      produce methane during digestion, a
                                                                      process known as enteric fermentation.

                                                                      Prospects: It’s early, but some products
                                            Tim  Bettington .         show significant methane reductions
                                                                      Challenges: It can take years to get FDA
                   Juan .Tricarico .says .he .thinks .it .will .be .at .  approval, and the agency doesn’t have an
                   least .three .years .before .there’s .enough .     approval process for labeling feed additives
                   data . for . many . of . the . products . in . the .  as methane reducers.
                   wings .to .be .become .widely .available .
                                                                 Earlier this year, Burger King caused quite a
                   The . pharmaceutical . firm . Zoetis . be-    stir when it aired a commercial that made some
                   lieves .that .a .product .now .on .the .market .  researchers on climate change and cows lose
                   as .a .growth .promoter, .ractopamine, .re-   their lunch.
                   duces .air .emissions .from .cattle . .Zoetis .  In a bizarre ad, a young singer dressed in a
                   has . been . working . with . the . University .  white cowboy outfit crooned about how Burger
                   of .California-Davis .on .research .that .the .  King had been “testing diets that would help
                   company .hopes .to .see .published .in .the .  reduce (cattle) farts.”
                   near .future, .said .Tim .Bettington, .execu-  The solution, the guitar-slinging youngster and
                   tive .vice .president .and .head .of .U .S . .op-  his fellow cowboys and cowgirls said, was lem-
                   erations .for .Zoetis . .                     ongrass: “By now there ain’t no question that it’s
                                                                 helping cows’ digestion.”
                   Zoetis .would .like .to .see .FDA .allow .it .to .  But the fast-food giant left itself open to criti-
                   be .labeled .for .the .purpose .of .emission .  cism. Researchers quickly jumped on Twitter to
                   reductions, .but .FDA .doesn’t .have .a .pro-  say that it’s the burps, not what comes out the
                   cess .yet .for .doing .that .                 other end, that are the problem. They also went
                                                                 after the company for what they called inade-
                   The . regulatory . barriers . to . feed . ad-  quate data to back up their claims that feeding
                   ditives . received . high-level . attention .  a small amount of lemongrass to the animals
                   from . the . new . Food . and . Agriculture .  reduced the impact of their flatulence by a third.
                   Climate .Alliance, .the .coalition .includ-   Whatever one may think of Burger King’s ad,
                   ing . major . farm . groups . that . recom-   the incident put the spotlight on the serious issue
                   mended . FDA . expedite . feed . additive .   of methane emissions from cows and cattle, put
                   approvals, . prioritizing . those . with .    feed additives in the news, and highlighted work
                   “climate . and . digestive . efficiency .     by researchers worldwide to develop products
                   benefits .” . The . group . said . FDA .      that can reduce ruminant emissions.
                   ordinarily . takes . three . to . five . year . to .  “What they’re looking at with a fine-toothed
                   review .an .animal .feed .ingredient . .      comb is the efficacy of reducing enteric methane

                                                                 emissions,” says Juan Tricarico, vice president

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