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Unlike the uniform soy protocol that can be      Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation,
             used by nearly every U.S. soybean farmer, there  or EMBRAPA.
             are several sustainable and environmental veri-  “Producers of  meat and grains from other
             fication programs operating in Brazil, covering   countries accuse Brazilian cattle ranching and
             farmers in different regions. One of  the most   soybean production of  clearing the Amazon
             dependable, Döring said is run by COAMO, a       and Cerrado. And they compete for the same
             cooperative that includes mostly soybean farm-   national product markets. To many, both here
             ers in the southern states of  Paraná and Santa   and abroad, Brazil’s farming devours native
             Catarina, as well as Mato Grosso do Sul.
                                                              vegetation and makes it its main input, with
             There are also verification programs run by      enormous negative impact on soil, water, biodi-
             individual processing and trading companies      versity and public health.”
             like ADM, but perhaps the most comprehen-
             sive effort to date is “Soja Plus,” that has been   And last year, as Brazil took criticism from
             launched in five states that ARE home to some    world leaders as massive fires burned in the
             of  the most environmentally sensitive and       Amazon, President Jair Bolsonaro lashed
             protected lands in Brazil: Mato Grosso, Goiás,   out on Twitter, saying, “We’re fighting the wild-
             Bahia, Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso do Sul.      fires with great success. Brazil is and will always
                                                              be an international reference in sustainable
             Sponsors of  the effort include Bunge, ADM,      development. The fake news campaign built
             Cargill, the Bank of  Brazil, Amaggi and the     against our sovereignty will not work. The US
             Nature Conservancy.                              can always count on Brazil.”

             “This is a farmer-owned program and the larg-    The last sentence was aimed at President
             est of  its kind in Brazil,” said Döring, “but it’s   Donald Trump, who came to Bolonaro’s
             still a work in progress.”
                                                              defense, saying he was “working very hard on
             Early on, the Brazilian Soy Moratorium was       the Amazon fires and in all respects doing a
             hailed as wildly successful by the companies     great job for the people of  Brazil – Not easy.”
             that made it possible. Deforestation rates were
             dropping sharply - down 80% in the first six     The incoming Biden administration might not
             years. But that trend has reversed in recent     be so understanding.
             years and Brazilian government officials have    President-elect Joe Biden, during a September
             become increasingly defensive.                   debate with Trump, suggested Brazil be pun-

             In his 2018 book, Shades of  Green,              ished economically if  it doesn’t stop deforesta-
             Sustainable Agriculture in Brazil – a copy       tion. He also suggested he might work with
             of  which was given to Agri-Pulse by former      other countries to provide $20 billion to stop
             Brazilian Agriculture Minister Blairo Maggi      the destruction of  the Amazon rain forest.
             - Evaristo de Miranda, does not take long to     Bolsonaro reacted sharply. “My government
             blame foreign countries for maligning Brazil’s   is taking unprecedented actions to protect the
             farming sector.                                  Amazon,” said in a series of  tweets. “What
             “Abroad, competitors and even clients have       some have not yet understood is that Brazil
             been showing and cultivating a false, nega-      has changed. Today, its President, unlike
             tive image of  Brazil’s agriculture for years in   the left, no longer accepts bribes, criminal
             order to obtain price and market advantages,”    demarcations or unfounded threats. OUR
             writes de Miranda, a researcher with the         SOVEREIGNTY IS NON-NEGOTIABLE.”

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