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The stability of land use, along with documented   oil they are buying is sustainably produced. It’s a
             use of cover crops, no-till farming, grass water-  small segment, but it’s a growing one.”
             ways and buffer strips to reduce water usage,    The demand elsewhere around the globe is
             prevent soil erosion and lower energy consump-   already mature, according to U.S. Soybean
             tion, allowed USSEC to launch the U.S. Soy       Export Council data. Back in 2014 the U.S.
             Sustainability Assurance Protocol in 2013.       exported 6,845 tons of soybeans that were

             “We started hearing a lot of talk about people   verified under SSAP. Five years later, SSAP was
             around the world becoming very concerned         used to prove the sustainability of 21.3 million
             about the sustainability of the soy they were    tons of exported soybeans – about 36% of all
             using, particularly out of Europe,” Sutter said.   the international shipments in the 2019-20 mar-
             “We put together a group of stakeholders – peo-  keting year.
             ple who bought soy in Europe and Asia as well    “The demand for verified sustainable U.S. soy
             as NGOs and we created the Soy Sustainability    exports has continued to grow since the SSAP’s
             Assurance Protocol, or SSAP for short.”          development,” says Abby Rinne, USSEC’s sus-
             The goal, Sutter said, was to offer evidence to   tainability director. “It’s clear that sustainability
             buyers in some of the most environmentally       is top of mind for our buyers.”
             conscientious countries in the world that U.S.   But if America’s soybean farmers want to con-
             soy will allow them to make sustainability claims   tinue to use the SSAP to sell to Europe’s largest
             on the products they produce with the imported   feed makers, USSEC is likely going to have to
             oilseed products.                                revamp it.

             One of the toughest hurdles was Europe’s         FEFAC’s Döring tells Agri-Pulse that the
             FEFAC, which incorporates 24 separate associa-   organization is planning to strengthen its list
             tions in 23 EU countries as well as Switzerland,   of sustainability requirements and that means
             Turkey, Serbia, Russia and Norway.               the SSAP will have to again undergo a second

             After hiring an independent contractor to com-   review by the International Trade Council, an
             pare the U.S. program to all of the sustainability   offshoot of the World Trade Organization in
             demands of the European feed manufacturers,      Geneva.
             FEFAC accepted the certification as a method     “We are currently upgrading the program,”
             of verifying sustainability, Sutter said. Even the   Döring said. “We expect our board to adopt a
             Tokyo Olympics Commission examined the           revised list of criteria of our soy sourcing guide-
             SSAP and announced its support of the program    lines. The revised set of guidelines will cover a
             to certify sustainably produced soy oil and tofu.  new set of criteria, including no conversion, no
             “I do know that American soybeans are highly     deforestation, which are very important for the
             valued in the European feed industry,” said      European market. Then we will invite SSAP and
             Roger Gilbert, publisher of the International    other programs to do a second round of bench-
             Milling and Grain Directory. He said the         marking sometime beginning next year. It’s part
             European feed federation’s approval of the       of a continuous improvement program.”
             U.S. soy protocol puts American producers in a   FEFAC is expected to make that announcement
             “good position.”                                 soon.

             There is even a rising clamor for sustainably pro-  The FEFAC decision to upgrade is not a result
             duced soy in China, said Sutter. “There’s growing  of the EU’s proposed Green Deal overhaul of
             interest among consumers to know that the soy    agricultural production methods, says Döring. In

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