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pages of newspapers. But that’s changed as feed   longer being used to graze cattle – that’s espe-
             and food companies around the world are increas-  cially true in Mato Grosso – much of the
             ingly concerned about the widening awareness of  expansion will also be realized by the “clear-
             climate change as consumers increasingly demand  ing of new land for production” in states like
             their food is sustainably produced.              Maranhao, Tocantins, Piaui, and Bahia, accord-
                                                              ing to a recent report by the USDA’s Foreign
             Brazilian officials argue that much of the coun-  Agricultural Service.
             try’s increase in crop acreage these days comes
             from the conversion of cattle grazing land into   Spying by satellite to stop
             soybean fields.
             “If we only use the pasture that’s underdevel-
             oped and under-used, that would be enough for    The Bolsonaro administration is scrambling to
             us to expand our production harmlessly,” one     convince the world that consuming Brazilian
             official told Agri-Pulse.                        crops isn’t damaging the planet. As part of that
                                                              effort, Brazilian Agriculture Minister Teresa
             But breaking up grasslands for crops releases    Cristina accompanied representatives from
             carbon into the atmosphere and deforested land   South Africa, Spain, Peru, Colombia, Canada,
             is being turned into ag production, even though   Sweden, Germany, the European Union, United
             the process can take years and the government is  Kingdom, France and Portugal to three cities in
             trying to verify land deeds.                     the state of Amazonas to witness how respon-
             “It is key to continue focusing on landholding   sible farming can be conducted alongside the
             regularization,” the official said. “If it is clear   rainforest and without damaging the ecosystem.
             who owns the land, authorities can enforce the   “The initiative aims to show the national and
             law more effectively.”                           international community that the Brazilian
                                                              Amazon remains preserved and that its environ-
             While most of the acreage expansion is indeed    mental and human complexity does not allow a
             expected to occur on pasture land that is no
                                                                               general understanding of the
                                                                               region,” she said. “Knowing is
                                                                               the basis for understanding and
                                                                               suggesting actions to contribute
                                                                               to the sustainable development
                                                                               of the region - preserving,
                                                                               protecting and developing our
                                                                               immense tropical forest.”

                                                                               But it’s an uphill battle as the
                                                                               government tries to contend
                                                                               with a legal morass of property
                                                                               rights in a web of states that
                                                                               are home to parts of the vast
                                                                               Amazon forest.

                                                                               Millions of acres of rain forest
                                                                               burn or are cut down every
                                                                               year. That’s when land-owners
                                                                               move in to try to make a profit.

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