Page 30 - Ebook_CoverCrops2022_Final
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Carinata .seed .can .be .used .as .a .feedstock .for .renewable .fuels . .Photo: .North .Florida .Research .
                            and .Education .Center, .University .of .Florida .Institute .of .Food .and .Agricultural .Sciences

               months, they don’t make any money. The land is  the potential for Nuseed Carinata to reduce
               sitting there doing nothing … But with carinata   emissions, remove atmospheric carbon and
               coming in it’s a win-win for the environment,     restore soil carbon and health,” Clayton wrote
               a win-win for carbon climate change and defi-     in an email to Agri-Pulse.
               nitely win-win for farmers.”                      “Our independently certified program requires

               One company that has been working to develop      Nuseed Carinata not displace food production,
               a carinata seed for biofuel cover crops is Nuseed,  and instead contributes to it through its co-prod-
               which has distributors in several different coun-  uct traceable source of plant protein, or require
               tries. Nuseed Carinata is in its third year of    additional farmland when it’s grown. Both
               commercial sales in Argentina.                    are very critical to maximizing our impact on
                                                                 carbon reduction with minimal impact on food
               Alex Clayton, the Nuseed Carinata global
               business development leader, said the company     production.”
               is currently doing research on land in Geor-      Meanwhile, CoverCress is targeting farmers in
               gia, Florida and Texas, and hopes to launch       the Midwest. In 2021, the first year of commer-
               commercial programs in the U.S. within the        cial plantings for CoverCress, producers from
               next three years. The company has also been       Missouri and Illinois have planted about 500
               lobbying Congress on “the use of cover crops      acres of the crop.
               for advanced biofuels,” according to disclosure   “We can be a really important solution to this
                                                                 feedstock deficit that the industry faces, and
               “We would like to see biofuel policy in the U.S.,   we’re never going to be the solution,” said
               in the EU and worldwide that fully recognizes     DeCamp, the CoverCress president and CEO.

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