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                o you know who you are?     jections and have patients disregard   can participate in? Things you can
                What does it mean to be     you because they think you do not   volunteer for? Does your church
        Dwho you are?                       know what you are doing. You never   have committees that are in need of
        Identity is about the basic values that   knew that nursing is more than just   members?
        dictate the choices you make. What   a job. It is a calling to serve and help   The goal is to develop and nurture
        do you value? The business man val-  others.                            choices that are consistent with your
        ues money, specifically profit. So all   How do you discover your true self?   true self; to live a life of authenticity
        the choices that are made are based   The first step is to discover and de-  in order to access happiness and
        on how those choices contribute     velop your personal potential. What   satisfaction.
        to the bottom line. The person who   are those things you can do better   By Catnerine Ngarachu
        values God will work in an institution   than other things? What feedback   Consultant Psychologist
        that expresses those values. They   have you received from those around   HoD Psychology, OMC
        value the prayer that is said at the   you about your potentials? What are
        beginning, and at the end of every   those things you do that make you
        meeting.                            feel good/right about yourself?
        If you don’t like what you see when   The second step is to choose your
        you look in the mirror, then perhaps   purpose in life. What would you like
        the choices you are making are not   to accomplish in your life? What you
        a reflection of who you really are.   choose must be compatible with your
        Perhaps you are living the life that   talents/gifts and skills. If you do not
        other people want you to live. You   like numbers, formulas, calculations
        are working as a nurse because you   and you are not good at it; then ac-
        were told that if you study nursing,   counting may not be your purpose in
        you will be guaranteed a job. While   life.                             Outspan Students are pictured above
        true, you never imagined that the job   And finally, for the third step, look   during the Youth and Adolescents
        will entail having to listen to patients’   for opportunities to implement these   Open day where the theme was
        complaints, change soiled beds, help   potentials and purposes. Are there   Jitambue, Jikubali (Identity)
        a patient pass stool, give children in-  clubs you can join? Activities you

         8 Outspan Hospital ECHO Serving the needs of the county and the Country
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