Page 14 - Echo 2018 Draft zero 5-11-2018 Ready for Print
P. 14

Introducing the

        Renal Dialysis Unit

        We provide the latest dialysis technology so you can live as full a life as possible. Dialysis can
        impact your day to day life, however our caregivers work with you to ensure that the most qualified
        treatment is done at the most suitable time.

                                                                                Support for the renal patients
                                                                                We offer support to our patients
                                                                                through the following services:
                                                                                - Psychological counselling
                                                                                - Nutritional counselling
                                                                                - Health education
                                                                                - Follow up services for renal patients

                                                                                Our  Clinic days are Wednesdays
                                                                                and Saturdays
                                                                                Our unit is equipped with qualified
                                                                                staff and experts to ensure effi-
                                                                                cient and excellent patient care and
                                                                                trusted client relations.
               uelled by passion and urgen-  ernized technology to cater for our   Our state of the art technology in this
               cy the Outspan Hospital renal   clients needs.                   unit is also the most recommended
        Fdialysis unit is a lifeline for all   Our team of experts work round   worldwide.
        people affected by kidney disease.  the clock with customized booking   The Outspan Hospital renal depart-
        Relentless is our work, we enhance   services to                        ment is dedicated to offering you
        lives through action, education and   to ensure all patients are attended to   compassionate, quality, affordable
        accelerating change.                accordingly.                        and wholistic    hour kidney support
        Our team of nephrologists, urologists,  Services Offered                services.
        dietitians, registered nurses and   Preventive services
        applied health professionals work   Selecting people at random and edu-
        together to minimize the effects of   cating them on preventive measures-
        kidney failure.                     outpatient and inpatient or through
        We provide the latest dialysis tech-  our CRS programs.
        nology so you can live as full a life as   Screening
        possible.                           - Renal function assessments
        Dialysis can impact your day to day   - History and physical exam
        life, however our caregivers work with  - Laboratory tests-Urinalysis,UEC
        you to ensure that the most qualified   - Medical management
        treatment is done at the most suit-  - Renal replacement therapy
        able time.                          - Haemo dialysis
        Our renal dialysis team takes pride in   - Peritoneal dialysis
        ensuring that your health is our first   - Renal transplants
        concern by using the most mod-

           Outspan Hospital ECHO Serving the needs of the county and the Country
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