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Outspan Hospital


                                            Technology among others. Certificate   its newly opened Outspan Hospital
                                            courses offered by the college in-  campus. This move is to ensure that
                                            clude: Certificate in Nutrition and Di-  we remain relevant to the demands
                                            etetics, Certificate in Health Records   of the industry. We are striving to en-
                                            and Information Technology, Certifi-  hance access, equity, relevance and
                                            cate in Information Technology and   quality of training which has been our
                                            Certificate in Counseling psychology.   hallmark since we opened our doors
                                            Short Courses offered by the college   nine years ago.
                                            include: Basic and Advanced Life    We intend to introduce flexible
                                            Support and Phlebotomy.             methods of training which will be
        Mrs. Lydia Muthoni
        Principal Outspan Medical College   In line with the government four point   developed to fit the various needs
                                                                                of the individual student as well as
                                            agenda and the recently enacted
                utspan Medical College      Vocational Education and Training   the industry. This will ensure that our
                is a middle level Medical   (TVET) Act, the Outspan Medical     graduates remain competitive and
        OTraining institution currently     College intends to introduce new    relevant to the market needs.
        offering a variety of medical courses.   post basic courses in various areas   Outspan Medical College will adopt
        These courses include the following   of specialization such as Intensive   International best practices in its
        Diplomas Courses; Diploma in Clini-  care, Palliative care, Theatre Nurs-  training programs so that our gradu-
        cal Medicine and Community Health,   ing and Technology, Business and   ates will be able to comfortably fill in
        Diploma in Kenya Registered Nurse   Technical areas. These courses will   employment opportunities available
        (KRN), Diploma in Kenya Registered   enable the graduates to apply their   both locally and globally.  We aim to
        Community Health Nurse (KRCHN),     knowledge directly in the workplace.   develop an internationally acclaimed
        Diploma in Medical Laboratory       They are designed in such a way that   training program that prepares com-
        Sciences, Diploma in Nutrition and   a student can be assessed in their   petent graduates with high skills who
        Dietetics, Diploma in Health Records   workplace.                       can contribute to the economy.
        and Information Technology, Diploma   The Outspan Medical College is now
        in Clinical Counseling Psychology,   introducing and implementing a com-
        Diploma in Counseling Psychology,   petence based education and train-
        Diploma in Information Technol-     ing program. Going forward, OMC
        ogy and Diploma in Pharmaceutical
                                            will be introducing these courses in

         6 Outspan Hospital ECHO Serving the needs of the county and the Country
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