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               he outspan hospital Imag-    are unable to conceive) and urethro-  scanner takes the shortest time to
               ing Department has three     grams in men with difficulty passing   acquire images with the lowest dose
        Tbranches:                          urine.                              to the patient compared to other CT
        1. The main department is located at    . Dental x-rays                 scans in the region. CT scans are
        the New Outspan Hospital building.   . Mammograms which are special     very useful in diagnosing diseases
        2. Diagnostic Center imaging depart-  x-rays of the breasts to to investigate   such as stroke and brain tumours.
        ment is located in Nyeri Town on the   breast lumps or to screen for breast   The images generated can further be
        ground floor of Maru A building along   cancer.                         manipulated to produce life-like three
        Kimathi Way.                        5. Ultrasound scanning which uti-   dimensional images, thereby improv-
        3. The Embu branch is located above   lizes high frequency sound waves   ing the accuracy of diagnosis.
        Kasturi Supermarket in Embu Town    to produce images of various body   Staffing
        Our high quality services are the   organs thereby detecting disease    We have a full time consultant radiol-
        most affordable compared to all other   processes. It is also used to image a   ogist in the department, supported by
        similar institutions within the region.   baby in the mother’s womb (obstetric   a highly skilled team of professionals.
        Many of our investigations are cov-  scan). Colour Doppler ultrasound   This ensures prompt delivery of ser-
        ered by various medical insurance   scans are used to detect blood clots   vices and accurate interpretation.
        schemes such as NHIF. We serve in-  in the veins of the legs (deep ve-  Hours of operation
        patients, outpatiens, patients referred   nous thrombosis). We also perform   Services in the main Imaging Depart-
        from other institutions and walk-in   biopsies (tissue sampling) under   ment at the Outspan Hospital and the
        patients with no referral.          ultrasound guidance. The main ad-   Embu branch are available all days
        Scope of investigations             vantage of ultrasound is that it does   of the week from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm.
        At the main imaging department, we   not utilize x-rays.                A member of staff is always available
        perform the following tests:        6. Electrocardiograms (ECG). This is   after normal working hours to per-
         . General x-rays such as chest x-  a method of investigating the heart.  form any imaging emergencies that
        rays and x-rays for trauma (broken    . Computed Tomography (CT) Scan.  may arise. Hours of service at the
        bones)                              The newest addition to the depart-  Diagnostic Center in Nyeri town are
         . Special x-rays such as HSG (x-ray   ment is a state of the art 6  slice   8.00 am to 5.00 pm from Monday to
        of the Fallopian tubes in women who   computed tomography scanner. This   Saturday.

           Outspan Hospital ECHO Serving the needs of the county and the Country
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