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Path to improved

        health through


                                                                                fruits and vegetables with your meals
                                                                                and as snack .Most people think
                                                                                that a good snack should originate
                                                                                from wheat products which is wrong.
                                                                                Instead you should go for fruits or
                                                                                arrow roots. Always read and make
                                                                                a habit of reading nutrition labels on
                                                                                food before buying them so product
                                                                                may be having more calories than
                                                                                what you need in a day.When eat-
                                                                                ing out which most of people claim
                                                                                to be the reason they are unable
                                                                                to eat healthy should choose food
                                                                                that is low in fat and take whole
        Good nutrition is one of            to have big body I normally call them   meal carbohydrates, also look at the
                                            scapegoats .It helps if you focus on   portions that you are taking. TAKE
        the keys to a healthy life.         small changes; making changes to    water when you feel thirsty avoid

                                            your diet may also be beneficial.   taking sweetened drinks like soda
        You can improve your health         If yes you are on the right track keep   ,fruit juice, sports and energy drinks,

        by taking a balanced diet.          it .If not keep track of your food intake    they contain a lot of sugar that is not
                                            by writing down what you eat, drink   good for your health they contain a
                ne should eat foods that    every day, these will help you assess   lot of calories which are not good
                contain vitamins and miner-  your diet .You will be able to see the   to you.BALANCED nutrition and
        Oals. These include fruits,         type of food that you consume more   regular exercise are good for your
        vegetables, whole grains, and dairy   or less in certain food groups. SEEK   health. These health habits can help
        products and plant sources of pro-  Help from the nutritionist. Everyone   you lose or maintain weight, avoid
        teins.                              can benefit from cutting back on un-  lifestyle conditions like diabetes ,can-
        It can be hard to change your feed-  healthy eating.                    cer, high blood pressure,obesity,and
        ing habits. Many people normally    Here are some suggestions on how    many more. In conclusion for you
        give reasons of not eating healthy as   to cut back on unhealthy eating.   to stay healthy consume more plant
        they are always tired after work, they   Rather than frying meat bake, grill or   products, reduce or even avoid
        are unable to prepare healthy meals,   boil, remove skin from chicken, eat   wheat products, dairy products, and
        making healthy meals take a lot of   fish twice per week. Avoid adding   squeeze in a  0 minute exercise ses-
        time, I normally stay alone so I can’t   butter on bread, salad dressing and   sion daily.
                                                                                By Augustine Simiyu
        cook, the nature of my job allows me   other various foods. Take plenty of
                                                                                Nutritionist at Outspan Hospital

        8  Outspan Hospital ECHO Serving the needs of the county and the Country
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