Page 4 - Echo 2018 Draft zero 5-11-2018 Ready for Print
P. 4


                                                                     Chair of the

                                                                     Board of Directors

           Dr. G. M. Kiruhi. MBS

           MB;CHB, Mmed, MBA, DMAS, FCS (ECSA)

           f the future of every nation is   align their strategies with the govern-  tion of diseases and quality wholistic
           a healthy population, then the   ment strategy.  Outspan has done    healthcare solutions.
        Ifuture of every government is in   just that. The hospital has started im-  Outspan Hospital has earned the
        providing quality healthcare solutions   plementing its strategy of providing   trust of it’s customers through its
        to its citizens.                    affordable, quality wholistic health-  unfailing commitment to care for the
        It is therefore not a wonder that the   care solutions to Kenyans while the   last seventeen years.  Outspan’s
        Government of Kenya has prioritized   Medical College has initiated training   loyal customers are the pillars that
        universal health coverage (UHC)     of service oriented health profession-  the institution leans on and they are
        in its Big   agenda over the next   als.                                the ones that have helped it grow
        5 years.  This is a significant and   This issue of the Echo, the Out-  from an outpatient facility to the larg-
        perhaps the most important strate-  span’s newsletter which updates its   est private hospital north of Nairobi.
        gic priority because every year over   stakeholders on the going on in the   Quality services at an affordable cost
        a million Kenyans get trapped into   hospital and the medical college, is   and a team committed to Compas-
        poverty because of a catastrophic   focused on the recent improvements   sionate and personalized touch, is
        out of pocket payments due to health   in line with provision of affordable,   what makes Outspan standout in the
        reasons.                            quality wholistic healthcare solutions.    fast growing healthcare industry.
        This is a big task which the govern-  It presents the new face of Outspan   Read on and get the update as well
        ment cannot achieve alone.  To      showcasing the ultramodern com-     the important health tips in this issue
        achieve this all institutions and more   plex equipped with latest technology   of the Echo.
        particularly health providers must   to ensure early and accurate detec-

           Outspan Hospital ECHO Serving the needs of the county and the Country
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