Page 5 - Echo 2018 Draft zero 5-11-2018 Ready for Print
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A landmark in
the life history of
Outspan Hospital
utspan Hospital was estab- tal has launched a strategy known us
lished in 00 and started “Round the mountain” where centers
Oits operations on 6th August of excellence will be established in
00 as an outpatient unit. The Embu, Thika, Nanyuki. Satellites clin-
shareholders having a passion of giv- ics will be established in Isiolo ,Meru,
ing back to the community formulated Kerugoya and Muranga .
policies enabling the institution to run The Embu unit is up and operating
as a community Hospital. as an outpatient and complimented
Over the years, the hospital has by a Wellness Center comprising of
continued to grow as it serves more a Gym, Aerobics, Nutritional Therapy,
clients. This could be attributed to the Counseling among others and with
hospital’s policy ingrained in its vision an Exercise Physiologist in charge.
A global reference university hospital In line with our vision of being a
training service oriented profession- global reference university hospital,
als and providing wholistic quality, training service oriented profession-
affordable healthcare solutions. Our als and providing quality, affordable
philosophy is doing the right thing and wholistic healthcare solutions,
right, the first time and all the time the Outspan Hospital is now a fully-
has also shaped our daily operations. fledged Teaching and Referal Hospi-
To exploit the opportunities cre- tal. The training wing will be offered
ated by Vision 0 0, and President by the Outspan Medical College, a
Kenyatta’s announcement, among sister institution which is strategically
his four key pillars of his legacy is expected to have acquired a Univer-
to bring affordable healthcare to all sity Charter by the year 0 6.
Kenyans. The year 0 8 was a landmark in
The management of Outspan Hos- the life history of Outspan Hospital.
pital and Medical College is align- It is the year that the new hospital
ing its strategies to position itself extension was completed and we
favorably. This is in response to the moved into the building in the month
critical role it has to play in the new of June. The new utramodern wing
dispensation. Towards this end, the serves the planned objective of ex-
Outspan hospital has launched its pansion in some departments as well
0 year strategic Plan with a major as bringing on board new services
objective of becoming a University required by the community as well
Teaching Hospital by the year 0 6. charting the direction captured in the
Apart from that, The Outspan Hospi- strategic plan,
Serving the needs of the county and the Country ECHO Outspan Hospital 5