Page 5 - Pulse
P. 5

Guys,  I  have  something  to  say  today:
    winter is coming.

    Some of you will instantly think “Game of
    Thrones” (probably one of the best series
    by  the  way,  just  saying…)  and  some   For those  who don’t know in, what consists
    others,  more  down  to  earth  may  think   this event, it is a very important gathering
    about  Christmas  time.  Well,  sorry  to   of people dressed as Santa Clauses, who
    disappoint the series addicts, but we won’t   parade in the streets and bars.
    be  debating  whoever  should  end  up
    sitting  on  the  iron  throne  –  at  least  not   Even if it is now an international tradition,
    today. I know what you’re going to say :   especially   in   the   English-speaking
    “it’s  not  Christmas  yet,  we  still  have  a   countries,  this  movement  has  its  roots  in
    month of waiting”. Okay I’m impatient. No   San  Francisco.  The  first  SantaCon  was
    judgment  please.  But  seriously  we’re  not   created  in  1994  by  the  Cacophony
    here  to  discuss  how  to  decorate  your   Society,  a  network  of  “free  spirits”  who
    Christmas tree or how to lose  the weight   wanted to celebrate Christmas in a non-
    gained after the traditional food orgy. No,   conventional  and  non-commercial  way.
    we’re  here  because  we  are  ISGiens,  we   The  concept  is  creativity,  improvisation,
    must be curious, open-minded. And that is   and…  not-very-catholic  Christmas  songs.
    what  this  rubric  exists  for.  The  goal  is  to   Indeed,  after  the  bars  tour,  the  Santa
    discover  each  month  one  of  the  most   Clauses are not very thirsty anymore, but
    unusual and weirdest traditions around the   that is their intention. Because being drunk
    world. Helps diving into the mentalities of   in  the  street  is  part  of  the  tradition.
    different countries. Thanks to that you will   Fortunately,   the   manifestations   are
    soon  see  that  the  American  people  are   pacifist,  and  the  movement  is  well
    crazy (even if we already thought so), but   organized in the way that every overflow
    that’s  why  we  love  them.  So,  without   can be contained. Finally, like every self-
    further   ado,   let’s   begin   with   the   respecting Santa, they distribute gifts to the
    champions  in  the  category  “weirdest   many people who have come to attend to
    culture”:   our   dearest   friends   the   this  rather  unusual  gathering.  Hope  you
    Americans. Did you know that every year   enjoyed this article. See you next month !
    in  December,  in  a  few  countries  around   Spoiler alert ! (Bye bye America, next time
    the   world,   stands   the   Santa-Claus   we will be heading to Scotland…)
    Convention (AKA SantaCon) ?
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