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P. 7


                          APPROACH THE SEA

        Anne-Sophie Mpacko                                       translated by
                                                                    J. Appleby

                                                     As we approach the sea,

                                            The Earth collapses and becomes


                                                         Sand caught in light,

                                                        And we hunt the sun,
                                           Into the secrets of the mountains,

                                           There, where the shade looms up,

                                          Where the leaves play on the wind,
                                                  And the air growing heavy,

                                                    And the bark of the trees,

                                                         Offer life a meaning,

                                          That no human nor god could give.

                         My suffering escapes through the pores of my skin,
                                             Into the hollow of the mountain,

                                                     As we approach the sea.

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