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Product Update (Continued)

   TruVision Navigator 7

   UTC  Fire  &  Security  recently  demonstrated  the  latest  release  of  its  popular  video  management  software,  TruVision  Navigator  7,  at  the  IFSEC  security
   exhibition in London. TruVision Navigator 7 now works seamlessly with Interlogix TruPortal™ access control systems and IFS® network switches – allowing
   end users to manage their entire security system from one single, easy-to-use interface. With the new TruVision Navigator 7, users can configure and manage
   multiple TruPortal access control panels, add panel and door locations to a built-in interactive map and link cameras to doors to receive event notifications with
   live pop-up video verification.

   The  new  software  also  offers  a  built-in  IFS  network  switch  discovery
   service that provides switch login and configuration through its native web

   “TruVision Navigator 7 is now more than just video management – it’s a
   complete,  connected  security  system  with  cameras,  recorders,  network
   switches, and access control functionality,” said Paul Johnson, pre-sales
   engineer, UTC Fire & Security UK Ltd. “We’re continuing to invest in more
   tightly  connected  solutions  that  add  increased  value,  convenience  and
   functionality for our customers.”

   Other new advanced video features in TruVision Navigator 7 include:

   • The ability to drag and drop websites for native viewing and navigating
    in the viewer panel
   • Real-time device bandwidth monitoring
   • Logical  device  views  and  filtering  that  provides  smart  event
   • Continued operation in a client-server configuration when the server is

   TruVision Navigator 7 can continue to be used as a powerful VMS. It offers recording of 360-degree cameras by de-warping the images natively within the
   software; customizable viewing panes that can be saved for one-click retrieval; remote device configuration capabilities and system health monitoring service
   that can reduce costly on-site maintenance service calls.

   Integrated with TruPortal, the system can provide a fully-featured, web-based access control solution, scalable to secure up to 64 doors. And, with the ability to
   seamlessly add the full range of IFS high-performance networking switches users will be able to meet the needs of many demanding security environments.

   “This integration equips our customers with a powerful centralized security solution that’s perfect for mid-sized commercial applications and small campus
   environments,” said Johnson.
                                                                                                                          Source:  UTC Internal Notices

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