Page 209 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 209

Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
                                               Robert Payne, Editor

        "II o mon does not keep pcce
        with his companions.. perhaps It
        IS beeouse ho neon o diff01onf
        drummer  Lat htm  step  to the                                      PRAISE THE LORD
                                                                            AND  PASS THE  AMMUNITION
        mu$1C which ha hears. ho't'.'fNel
        meosuru<;J or for owoy. ~                                             Mos! minorities are used to some form
               Henry Dovld Thoreau                                          of per~ecu1lon. And when that pressure
                                                                            eases up occa~1onally, they begin per~e·
                                                                            c.uting each other. The Pro1es1an1s got it
                                                                            from  the  Catholics  and  vice  versa,
                                                                            depending on who I~ 1he local majority.
                                                                            The Jews gel it from  both or them and
                                                                            most everybody elie. But the one~ eve-
                                                                            rybody can  all  have an open season on
                                                                            are the g11ys
                                                                              In New Yori<  Ciry.  for  the Gily Pride
         4  HERE THEY  COME                                                 Parade, the coordinators came up with a
            They're off and running-Mr.  Drummen coming lrom every-         gimmick to cover the cost of the ponable
            where to compete In  che  finals in San  Francisco.  Leather's big   toilets.  For  seventy  bucks  you  could
           night preceded by a 101  of other big leather nighcs.            "name a toilet  for your favorite honio-
        12  INTERNATIONAL MR. LEATHER                                       phobe "  The  fi~t 1wo to be sponsored
           Meanwhile In Chicago .•.                                         were  the  "John  Cardinal  O'Connor
                                                                            Throne Room"  .tnd "Yehuda's Heaven"
        15  REPORT                                                          (for R.ibbt Yehuda Levin). Before some-
           Leather new> and all the shit that·~ fit to print.               one  came  up with  a name  for "  tollet
        17  DRUMMER  FORUM                                                  ded1coned  lo le1ry Falwell,  1he Port-0-
           The Drummer philo~ophy as expressed by iH reader>.               San  Corp. s111d  fhey would not ren1  1he
        20  MAlECAll                                                        101leti. If that was the U$e they were being
        22  MAIMED BEAUTY                                                    And spe.ikang of Jerry "Moral  Major-
           We never expected ~o many lerters even on th/, unusual ~ubject   ity"  "liberty  federation"  "Christian
       26  LEATHER  NOTEBOOK by Larry Townsend                              Ant1discrlm1na11on"  falwell-hc  has
           Leather advice from 1he old Master.                              pressured  U.S.  Attorney  General
       27  BOOK SECTlON                                                    "Mickey"  Meese  Into  threatening the
           BOUND FOR GLORY  (P;art Six) by M;a~n Powell                    Soulltland Corp.  Into throwing Playboy
           The  exoclc escapade$  of Conar and Chom  continue m  "The      and Penthou>e out or 1heir stor~. some-
           Torturers of Rhengfel."                         __ _            thing  Falwell  alone  had  failed to  bring
                                                                           .ibou1.  The  Jlutice  Department  has
       40  FICTION:  YES, MASTER  by Kenn Richie                           become a  lackey for  1he Chrisiian Cra-
           Two  little words  to live by
                                                                           zies.  whose neltt target will in all likell·
       47  PHOTO SHOW by Mkh•el Rosen                                      hood be gays.
  SM a universal e1tperience.                                Of course, nothing iuo bad 1ha1 some-
       56  DEAR SIR!                                                       body can't make 11 a linle worse. The gay
           Twenry pages of men who want to hear from you.                  community continues  10  reel  over the
       15  DRUMMEDIA/ Movles{Vldeos/ Boolcs                                onslaught  or AIDS  which.  for lack of a
                                                                           cure or even a treatment, i~ decimating
           Whatever i~ of incerei <o 1he men who read Drummer.
                                                                           our brother~ lelt and right  The govern·
        81  REQUIEMS/THE MINESHAFT/THE SLOT                                men1  Is  lndiHctent  at  beit  and  what
           On two coast~. two beloved spaces to play are no mor'e.         monies it  h.:is  reluctantly aimed at com-
        86  LEATHER  BULLETIN  BOARD                                       batting  the  disease.  It  h.u  had  to  be
           The club!>,  the happenings from Frank O'Rourke                 lorced Into. Falwell ~t al. have pred1da·
        87  ORUM by Bill Wird                                              bly taken every opportunity 10  1rea1 the
                                                                           plasue  as  opporlunis1ically  and  as
        91  TOUGH CUSTOMERS                                                unchns1i.anlike .u possible.
           Whal  you see 1s  what you get.                                   But  for the moment, rh~e ;ire noL the
        92  DANCES SACRW AND PROFANE                                       factors  we  have  to  concern  o urselves
           Fakir Musa(ar Is a living, breathing collec11on of hole.        with. The wom enemy 1s ourselves. We
        98  IN PASSING                                                     have to knod. ofl the drugs, the senseless
           A  liltte of this, a llule of that.                             expo~ure,  the  healty·destroying  an11~
                                                                           we  luicuria1ed  In  for  so  many  years  In
           Cover:  I h1)  photo  was  taken  during  the  Mr  Southern  C.illform ..   ~earch of a good Lime  We have to sup-
           Drummer lhow at  Probe 111  Hollywood by Rose de Curro, who d1dn'1   port our own. Nobody el~e 1s going 10 do
           ijive U> 1he p.m1dpan1's  lldme unforrumuely.                   It.  Certalnly  not this administration and
           Opposite page.  Baclcsround o the T1ocadero  Trcinster during rhe 1984   ce1 ta Inly not many of the religious chari·
           Mr  Drummet pJrry  Hunky con1~1.1nt /s  from the same evem      ties. Not even the United Way.
                                                                             A good slogan for these time> should
                                                                           be "No ch,ulties but gay charltie51"
                                                                                             -John 1-1. Embry  .

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