Page 211 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 211

Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
                                               Robert Payne, Editor

               "If o man does not keep
               poce  With  his  CO.'Tlpon·
               Ions. perhaps It is because
               he  hears  o  dllferenl
               drummer.  Let him ttep to
               the music whfch t1t1 hears.                                    We  have jus1  received  pren releu~
               however measured or far                                       urging all gay and lesbian (l~blan\ can't
               awoy                                                          be gayl)  leader~ and elected officials to
                  Henry David Thoreau                                        urge all gay~ 10 call 1he Execu1l11e Office
                                                                             of the  White  Hou~e about  1he  ncwes1
                                                                             Justice Depanment opinion tha1 encour-
                                                                             ages  employe~ 10  engage  jn  homo-
                                                                             phobic actions 1oward  employee who
                                                                             carry  an1ibodles to the /\IDS virus  luly
                                                                             was  d~lgna1t'd "MAKE THE PRESIDENT
                                                                             AWARE  MONTH."  As  sincere  and  as
            4  LEATHER'S BIG  NIGHT                                          worthwhile as this appeal may be ln1cn1I·
               The  votes are in-and Mr.  Drummer •86 joins the company of   oned, we feel  1hc obligation to m;ike a
               past winners a.s the Leather Fraternity pull~ out all the stOpl at the   few r«.'mark~ here before we encourage
               big /eat her event of the year.                               you to call whol'ver answer~ the phones
           15  REPORT                                                        at 1-202-456-7639 in Washlng1on
                                                                              Kids,  there may be a hell of a 101  that
           16  DRUMMER  FORUM
               Some serious thought on a couple of weigl>1y  matter~ ...     Ronald  Reagan  lsn'I  aware o(,  but 1he
                                                                             Jusllce Departmenl ;11n'1 one of 1hem. h
           18  MALECALL                                                      is  no  coincidence  that  he  has  just
           20  DRUMMER  DADDIES                                              appoln1ed one of the mos1  uhracomer-
               A  Daddy tells a Daddy/son story                              vatlve judges possible to the pos111on of
           26  LEATHER  NOTEBOOK by Larry Townsend                           Chief fu~t1ce, then replaced him with an
                                                                             even worse one on 1he bench. any more
           21  DRUMMER  BOOIC SECTION                                        than  Vice  President  Bush's  id1:>a  to  go
               1990 by Robert hyne                                           around sucking up to Jerry Falwell  and
               A  friglitt>ning look into the not-so-distant future from a promis-  the Christian Crazies.
               ing new book.
                                                                              The pro-Georgia ~odomy law deci~ion
           27  BOUND FOR GLORY  (Part VII) by M.ason Powell                  was made because o( Reag.rn's Supreme
               In this  m  tallment, .. Up In The Volcano." Conar ve11rures  into   Cour1  appoin1ees and ju-.t  as Chief Jus·
               1he sreat abyss to meet Wa-at the Volcano God who takes pos-  11cc Burger is being e.ued out because he
               session  of Conar's body. Is Arnold Schwartzenegger really so   1sn'1 the 200·~. right-winger that 1he peo-
               impatient for this to finish, so he can star in the movie vewont   ple who paid to get Reagan eleC1ed wan1.
           46  LEATHER  BULLETIN  BOARD  by Frank O 'Rourke                   The President I\ 11ery aware, just .n we
                                                                             are going  to  soon  be, of the continual
           47  CENTERSPREAD                                                  damage  10  the  hard-fought  progress
               Mr.  Drummer '86  bare)  It  all for us  and in  the  foldout  Ts  an   made in the past 1wen1y years in the area
               excellent work by new artis1 Rand Worell, who could be called a   of our civil rlgh1s and job protection.
               Drummer Discovery.
                                                                              Forcing Edwin  Meese through  a~ the
           56  DEAR  SIR!                                                    mo~• outrageous Auorney Gt'neral since
               The King of the Classifieds i~ full of men waiting ro  hear from   John  Mitchell  Wil$  Reagan's  doing.
                OU.                                                          Meese's pornography crusadci~ going to
           75  DRUMMEOIA                                                     do immense damage 10 the F1111 Amend·
               Movies: S.F  International Gay film Feqlvaf                   ment  to  the  Con\titutlon.  Meese's
               Books:  Entertainment  for  a  Master,  The  Brooklyn  Branding   puppet!> are soon going to be telling you
                      Parlors                                                what  you  can  read  and  bookstores  all
               Video:  Old Reliable                                          over the countrywha11hey can sell. h has
           87  DRUM by Bill Wird                                             already started.  H you w.ant  to  make  a
                                                                             phone call or write a  leuer. direct it  to
           90  YOU  ASKED  FOR IT ...                                        Southland Corpora11on, 2828 N. Haskell
               And you gol ii.                                               .._ve., Dalla~. TX 75204 •• md 1ell thcm wha1
           94  TOUGH CUSTOMERS                                               you think or their throwing Plilyb<>y and
           96  SLAVERY THROUGH THE AGES                                      Penthe>UU!, two or chc mo$1 llterate mag-
               Cavelo ~hows u; ~onre procluch of an age-old tradition from The   azjnes  on  1he  American  scene.  ou1  of
               Care & Training of the  Male Slave.                           their stores when they caved In  to Mr.
                                                                             Mcese's and Jerry Falwell's demands.
                                                                              Call the Pre>ident, If ii makes yuu feel
                                                                             any bener. H you voted for Reagan, you
               Cowr  Milce Murry, Mr Drummer '36, bJres h1• .ill for us 111.1 pho10 by Drummer
               pho1ogr;iphPr /OP i\l1m;in                                    are mor .llly obllgdtcd 10 do so. Beu er ye1,
              OppoHte· 7h1rn~wMr Orvmml.'r. • ltfl'tl •ndabt:11w by" groupof tt•g1on.1IMr.   send a couple of buch 10 the ACLU who
               Orummen, ;ilt.ick: Mr  D1ummerbo')I bacl<sl.JJW  Pha10 by Rob<>fl Pru1iJn   Is  fighting  thl'  battle  for  you and 1hen
                                                                             sub~cribe lo PIJyboy and/ or Penthouse.
                                                                             They arc \uclng the government .:it the
                                                                             moment, we are happy to report.
                                                                                               -John H  Cmbry
                                                                                                  DRUMMER  3
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