Page 213 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 213

Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
                                               Robert Payne, Editor

                                                                             You have in your hand I rm~\ume
              "If o man does not keep
             pace  with  his  comf)On-                                     lo be the las1  ISSUe or ORUMM[R  with
                                                                           your) truly as publi~hcr. Ahcrnatc Pub-
              1ons. oerhops It Is because                                  lhh1n8  h.i)  the  ~le  of
             he  hears  a  different                                       DRUMMER,  MACH  Jnd FQ  m.ig.uine~
             drummer. Let him step to                                      to  Oe\modus  Publkat1om.  formerly  ol
              the music Which htJ hears.                                   ChicJgo. Eleven  yc.irs. going on twelve
             hOwever measured or for                                       Is a long tirne lo1  rtm expe11cnn! that ha\
             owoy .•
                Henry David Thoreau                                        ce11alnly had its e~rrcmt? joys and pleas-
                                                                           uic.•,  triumph~ and  d1sappo1111rncnts, At
                                                                           thi~ point and time Wf' have celcbr.u  d
                                                                           our ann1vers.11y in June. ~elected .i new
                                                                           Mr. Drummer for the year Jnd complet-
                                                                           ed 1u~1 .1bou1 everyrhing eAcept pu11in>1
                                                                           out i~'>Ul' 100  l hat we will havi? 10 leave
                                                                           10 the new publishers.  It will be out in
                                                                             What  has  b~n accomplished  the~e
                                                                           past  elt>ven.  going  on  tw1;>l"c·
                                                                           DRUMMER hac, become one of the mm1
                                                                           rMpedccf of gay public:.Uionc;, 1n 'Pile of
             FANTASY FICTION ISSUE                                         lb ~ub1ec1 marter.
                                                                             ORUMMCR  h.n  fo<.tercd  the  INthN
          4  TRASH ANO  LEATHER                                            hlt-.Sl) le  nahonally  and  mtrrnationally.
             A  junk yard approach to leather with a taste of class.
                                                                           i.omewhal unifying tht> her commun-
          6  A DOC'S LIFE                                                  •IY  through 1he  year'>.  We like to {eel II
             It ain'1 all Cravy Train  ancl A /po, kid.                    ha'>  broughr  humor and undcrc;tanding
          8  IS THERE SEX  AFTER  DEATH?                                   to an .iwa that  WJ\ dc.!emcd  humorlc$~
             1' everything over. or h  fl  /U)( a new beginningt           and  mi(undN'itood.  It  ha\  been
                                                                           DRUMMER'S  plc.isure to pre..en1  many
         10  WITNESS  by Phillip Gaudre•u
             A slave's life b not an e.ny one, but ii  ha~ ib rewards.     hitherto unpubli~hed wrncrs. attim and
                                                                           phutogr.iphers.  beinx  In  11~ own wdy J
         12  A WEEKEND WITH DADDY by Wilriam Kilmer                        patron or the MIS, producing a \hOWC"J~C
             fan/illy/and becomes 811bylaml witli a trip to the ken11el!t.   for .i  br.inch  or crcati\>fty  that  hold  no-
         15  REPORT                                                        where cl~e 10  go,
             All the >hil  that's flt to prr111  leatherwi~e.                11 ha~ h,1d  ht,  1mh,uor~ .rnd dNractol'\.
         16  FORUM                                                         many  or  whkh  have  b<.'t:n  lch  by  the
             A  >Catl>lng <Waclc  in a new book on poppcn and the lnclu\try.   w;iy,ldc•,  l.icklng ORUMMlR'> fol-
                                                                           lowing. On going back through mun)• or
         18  MAlECALL                                                      the  back  IS\UC~.  I  never  CCJ!>C  10  b<·
         20  DRUMMfOIA /  MOVIES                                           amawd at how really good par1c; or them
         23  ORUMMEOIA I  VIDEO                                            can  b<.•.  The stdnd.irds  h.ive  been high
                                                                           and our  contributor~ have  made  them
         26  LEATHER  NOTEBOOK by Larry Townsend
                                                                           e.,,en  higher.
         27  BOOK SECTION                                                    An fogli~h .m magaz•nt' ha!. called u~
             A second helping of Roberr Payne's 1990 blockbu\lerl          lhc bl!~t of the American  g.ay  slicks but
         36  BOUND FOR GLORY by M ason Powell                              1he  mc~1 things said about us 1n  r('cem
             "The War Against Rhenglel."                                   memory caml! from one ol our 1.wori1c
                                                                           contributors  writing for  Lhe  New York
         47  ADVENTURETIM£ with Etienne                                    Conrwction,·
             Rape on the ~ubway ancl Sailor Beware.
                                                                             ..Of all the popular gay  publication~.
         56  DEAR  SIR!                                                    DRUMM(R  i~  the  onl)  om.•  with  rNI
             Th~ bigge't cla)sified H~crion in our hi 1ory.                balls;  11\  unafr.ud  In  1.1ke  rhancP~. to
         74  DRUMSTICKS                                                    boldly  go wht're  no gay  mag.uine  hd~
             To 11clcle your fwmvbone.                                     gone- before
         86  LEATHER BULLETIN  BOARD by frank O'Rourlce                      "DRUMMER is also the m<bt polltcally
                                                                           .1stute of rhc gay maga1111N ... gcnNally
         87  DRUM  by Bill Ward                                            rcprc~en1at111e  of  the  lrontline  ol  gay
         90  MANWATCHING IN RINGOLD AUEY                                   poht1ral  thought.  indeed,  thl'  entire
             Sou(h  of  M;rrket'  annual  daytime  bare  cheH  exiravaganLJ   magazine ((Jn be wen as an alt or
             caught by the magic camera of RicliarcJ law.                  pohlt<.~.  DRUMMER  t;eh  10  people  111
         96  TOUGH  CUSTOMERS                                              way\  'safe'  gay  m.igatlne~ don't.  . &his
                                                                           po111 ayal of gay~ as .t ~trong, proud peo-
         98  IN PASSING
             With a warcl from Drummer'> new publhller~.                   ple. no11he odd bib or le.llhn and '
                                                                           par aphern.ilia in the photos is what· s rev-
             CovN. Pl1C>10 by Jim  Mcm ..                                  olu1 ioncJ1 y .ibout DRUMMER  •• d  plPa~­
             Oppo)ll' pai;e  11/u,//"JllCJn by iJ.iny Bu)lt                ure to read and a pleasure lo write for. '
                                                                             And  ii  ha~ been  a  plea~ure to  havt'
                                                                           been around. l'U be reading DRUMMER
                                                                           ol\  enthUsla~tlcally ,l\ I evN havp In lhP
                                                                           ume to come       -Jolin 1-1. Embry
                                                                                                DRUMMER  3
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