Page 11 - Revit Architecture Basics
P. 11
Settings in Revit is for example useful, when the project should be saved and in connection with
reference to Templates. In addition, there is the possibility to add your own shortcuts to folders,
for example, for company-specific components.
File Tab ► Options
General contains, among other things, the ability
to set how often you want the program to ask
one, how often the project should be saved.
It is recommended that you set this interval to
between 15 and 30 minutes.
The program will continually ask if you want to
save the file or not.
User Interface: Here you can adjust the areas
you want to show on the user interface.
For example, if you are an Architect, turn off all
construction and installation analysis tools, thus
avoiding the application to use time or power on
analysis of these areas.
Similary, this applies to the other proffesions.
File Locations provides the ability to create
shortcuts and search paths in Revit.
In the upper field, you can add paths for the
Revit-project templates.
Under Places, new shortcuts can be created. For
example, it can be for folders on the server and
projects to company-specific components.
It is also possible to change the order of the
various shortcuts by using the arrow keys on the
left side.
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