P. 113
Another form of courtesy that most people
generally ignored is by saying “thank you” or
“please” to other people to appreciate their effort.
For example, when someone is offering you a cup of
a coffee, before you accept it, you should say “thank
you” or even better, say it with a smile. Even if you
do not want to drink or you do not drink coffee, you
should politely say
“thank you, but I do not drink coffee” to make the
person feel less uncomfortable by thanking them for
their effort. But, most people would refuse to use the
word “please” due to the fact that it costs nothing.
Courtesy is Free Therefore, it can leave a tremendous impact on the
other person.
GRACE TAMBONG ANAK JOHN RINGKAI Even those people who are ill-mannered,
brusque, and hard to deal with can sometimes be
Since spreading a pleasant word to someone costs us
softened through common courtesy. There is a saying,
nothing, so why not giving it freely? Nowadays, “A little word in kindness spoken, a
because courtesy seems to be less and less common,
when people encounter it, they often appreciate it motion or a tear, has often healed the hearts,
more. It is always better to show politeness to others, broken and made friend sincere.” At some point, we
you would be surprised how much it can affect a all must go through a hard time in our life, or even
person’s image of you. Plus, why not do it? being at the lowest point of our life to the point that
Courtesy costs nothing anyway. And of course, you we just do not care about other people. Sometimes,
should not be doing it to think about it paying off but even just a tiny courtesy can completely change the
instead do it just to be nice because at the end of the way they think and behave again. Hence, we should
day, being polite can be as powerful as triggers of not fully judge someone especially those who we are
authentic epidemic. not well known. Give them space to grow, let
There are a lot of examples of showing courtesy courtesy opens the doors because life will always finds
to others that are very simple and easy causing you a way like what Thomas Fuller says, “All doors open
with absolutely no difficulty in strain. For instance, if to courtesy”. Being kind and courteous is not always
you are travelling in a crowded bus and you got a seat easy to do, it does take time and energy from yourself
but a pregnant lady is standing, you should be and might even also your day to convey to someone
willingly to offer her your seat no matter if she else and to yourself.
accepts it or not because it is simply part of the
principle of courtesy to offer some help to those in
need who are the priorities among the society which
in this context, a pregnant lady. This simple gesture Yang kurik itu kundi
can make a person feel more appreciated and Yang merah itu saga
gratitude especially among the society that are full of
strangers. As return, you will be respected, form a Yang cantik itu budi
connection with someone new and who knows, even Yang indah itu bahasa
helped the person to gain a little more faith in
humanity not like what they might have thought
@Hak Cipta Terpelihara Kolej Tingkatan Enam Saratok 2021