Page 20 - lesson
P. 20
Answer children.
Teacher: How can they be called in one word?
Answer children.
Teacher: Electrical appliances surround us everywhere. They, like good wizards, help us
everywhere. Without them, it would be difficult for a person. Guys, do you have electrical
appliances at home? Name them.
Answer children.
Teacher: And what is this invisible that sits in the outlet and makes home cars work?
Answer children.
Teacher: That's right. Electric current runs through the wires and makes electrical appliances
work. The electric current is somewhat similar to a river, only water flows in the river, and
small, small particles of electrons flow through the wires. And you will learn more about
electricity in physics lessons when you go to school.
Teacher: Children, do you want Cinderella to go to the ball? Now each of you will give
Cinderella a gift, and which one you will know by collecting the picture. It must be collected
carefully so that the device works properly.
Didactic game "Collect the picture."
Children lay out electrical appliances from cut pictures.
Teacher: Pictures, what subjects did you get?
Teacher: Yes, there are many assistant devices, but they must be used correctly! And you
know that the electricity with which electrical appliances work is dangerous for humans. Why?
Answer children.
Teacher: That's right, they can shock. But there are special rules for handling electricity.
Teacher: Look at the magnetic board and explain what rules for using electricity are violated?
What does this card mean? (you can not insert any objects into the outlet) What does this card
say? And now it's time to play for us, kids.
The game "The current runs through the wires."
Children, intercepting the nodules on the rope with their right and left hands, say the words:
The current runs through the wires
The light carries us to the apartment.
So that the devices work,
Fridge, monitors.
Coffee grinders, vacuum cleaner,
The current brought energy.
After the game, the children stand around the teacher.
Teacher: And there is harmless electricity, quiet, imperceptible. It lives everywhere, on its
own, and if you catch it, then you can play with it very interesting. I invite you to the country of
"Magic items", where we will learn how to catch electricity. It is necessary to close your eyes,
count to 10 and vice versa. Here we are in a magical land.
1. On the wall hangs a ball and multi-colored balls on the floor. The teacher offers to hang them
on the wall.
(Children try to hang them on the wall, they fail.).
Teacher: Why is this ball hanging and yours falling? (assumptions of children). Let’s turn our
balls into “magic ones”, and I will show you how to do this. It is necessary to rub the ball on
the hair and attach it to the wall with the side that was rubbed. So your balls are hanging,
become magical. This happened due to the fact that electricity lives in our hair, and we caught
it when we began to rub the ball on the hair. He became electric, so he was attracted to the
Conclusion: electricity also lives in the hair.
2. And now we will try to make other objects magical.
- Take the plastic sticks from the tray and touch the paper butterflies. What do you see? (lie
calmly). Now we will make these ordinary wands magic, electric, and they will attract us. Take
a piece of wool or silk and rub it with a plastic stick. Slowly bring the wand to the butterflies