Page 17 - lesson
P. 17
Wizard Sound:
- Strange, I know musical instruments, but I never heard of musical banks.
The carer calls, at the request of the child, who “plays” on the banks with the help of an iron
Wizard Sound:
- Wow, the musical instruments did not sound, but the song turned out. How is this possible?
- Guys, explain to the wizard how the song turned out ?, when difficult children ask leading
- The sounds that are obtained when an iron wand hits the banks are different or the same?
(hits the first and last banks)
- What is the color of the bank that makes the highest sonorous sound? Which color can have
the lowest muffled sound? Why do banks make sounds of different heights?
- Well done. You realized that the smaller the object or, in our case, the amount of water, the
higher and louder the sound, and the larger the object, the sound it emits, lower.
Wizard Sound:
- Thanks guys. I see that you yourself are little magicians of sound.
- The Wizard of Sound, now the guys will give you another unusual tune.
Children approach the tables, take cards with the image of body parts, then, under the
guidance of the teacher-conductor, they play sounds using those parts of the body that are
shown on the card: clap their hands, click their tongue, stamp their feet, creating a sound
- Thank you! What an unusual composition of sounds turned out!
- I want to show you the next exhibit of my magic laboratory - this wonderful box.
The teacher takes the box, brings it to the ear, shakes, brings the children to the ear, gives the
- In my opinion, the box is empty (gives the box to the wizard)
- No, this box is not empty. It is full of a wide variety of sounds: these are the sounds of nature,
sounds of the house, sounds of the street.
“So we can go on a trip with this box.” Look at the sign (places signs): you can go to nature - to
the sea, to the forest, to a river, you can walk along the noisy streets of the city, or you can go
home, in warmth and comfort.
When I open the box, and the sounds will sound, you must determine what sound it is: the
sound of nature, the sound of the house, the sound of the street - and go to this place
The game is repeated 3 times, the teacher swaps the pointers
Children listen to sounds, find a place marked with a symbol that corresponds to this sound,
call an object, a phenomenon
- So we traveled and now you can relax. But only not for long, I have prepared for you a new
magic, very difficult. See these notes. These are not simple notes, but musical riddles. I will
touch them and the music will sound. You must say what this music is about, what it reminds
you of.
The wizard touches a note, a piece of music sounds (audio recording)
- What is this music about?
- Now listen to the guess
-Guys, explain to the magician how you guessed it was a piece of music about a bird (blizzard,