Page 15 - lesson
P. 15

Tallinna Sõbrakese Lasteaed

                                       Eco Tweet: Little Scientists
                                                   Lesson Plan

        Teachers: Rattik Jelena

        Oksana Grebinštšikova

        Children age: 4- 5

        Number of children: 20

         Title: "Noice " (Ecology)

        Category: Speech developing, I and environment
        General Purpose: Visiting the wizard of Sound
        Specific objectives:
        To consolidate children's ideas about the cause of the occurrence and amplification of sound,
        the reason for the occurrence of echoes, bring to the awareness of the relationship between
        the fluctuations of the subject and the occurrence of sound, the size of the subject and the
        pitch of the sound; develop the ability to distinguish the sounds of nature, streets, houses, the
        ability to listen to musical works, highlighting the means of musical expressiveness, based on
        the perception of the sounds of the world; to raise interest in musical and non-musical sounds,
        the desire to experiment with sound

        Methods and techniques:

        Experimental activities of children of preschool age can be formulated as follows:

            1. Problem - game situation "Failed acquaintance"

           2. Experience “How to make sound louder”

            3. Surprise moment “Wonderful pan”

        Demonstration of experience "Musical banks"

        Playing with the sound “Unusual Concert”
        Playing with the sound "Magic Journey"

        The Musical Mysteries Assignment

        Problem - game situation "Mischievous echo"

        Experience "How does an echo"


        Different containers: cans, pans, buckets, boxes, etc. different sizes, sheets of paper, paper
        clips, an iron stick, cans of water, covered with lids (gouache pieces on the inside of the lids),
        cards with the image of body parts: hand, leg. Tongue, lips, casket, pointer, mockups with the
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