Page 19 - lesson
P. 19

Tallinna Sõbrakese Lasteaed

                                          Eco Tweet: Little Scientists

                                                   Lesson Plan

         Teachers: Rattik Jelena
        Oksana Grebinštšikova

        Children age: 4- 5
        Number of children: 20

         Title: “Where does electricity live?” (Ecology)

        Category: Speech developing, I and environment

        General Purpose:
        To promote the development of cognitive activity in children, mental activity, curiosity.
        Specific objectives:
        Educational: to generalize and expand children's knowledge of the world around them. To
        acquaint children with the cause of the occurrence and manifestation of static electricity, and
        the possibility of removing it from objects; To fix the rules of safe behavior in handling
        electrical appliances in everyday life. To clarify and expand the ideas of children, where
        dangerous electricity "lives" and how it helps a person.
        Developing: to develop the desire for search and cognitive activity. Promote mastery of
        practical interaction with surrounding objects. To develop mental activity, the ability to
        observe, analyze, draw conclusions. Develop strong-willed readiness for school
        Educational: to raise interest in the knowledge of the world, to develop curiosity. To bring joy
        from the discoveries obtained from experiments. To nurture the ability to conduct a dialogue,
        to work in a team.

        Methods and techniques:
        Experimental activities of children of preschool age


        Two toys: one with a battery, the second without a battery (steering wheel), plastic sticks for
        the number of children, pieces of woolen fabric, silk, didactic game "Collect a Picture", cards
        "Rules for Using Electrical Appliances", Cinderella doll, colored balls.

        Place: In a group

        Duration: 30 - 40min

        Description of the activity:
        Teacher: (Cinderella doll in hands) Guys, do you like fairy tales? Can you guess the riddle about
        the hero of one of the tales?
        She is beautiful and sweet
        And her name is from the word "ash."
        Teacher: Children, what devices could facilitate the work of Cinderella?
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