Page 18 - lesson
P. 18
Listen to the sounds of objects, phenomena corresponding to the musical work
Children call the means of musical expression, with the help of which images, phenomena in
musical works were transmitted
- You coped with all my tasks. I want to give you a wonderful chest with magic gifts (shows a
chest, wants to open, but cannot)
- What happened? Why can't I open the chest? Whose jokes are these?
Echo (phonogram):
- Jokes ...
- Who is this?
- Who ...
Wizard (whispering):
“Guys, this is an echo that lives in my magic lab.” It is so naughty! But I know how to make
friends with him. It is very simple: you need to say the word "friendship"
The teacher tries to open the chest, it does not open.
Children pronounce the word "friendship"
-This word must be said so that it echoes. How does an echo occur?
They say that the echo occurs when the sounds of the voice “hit” like a ball on solid objects
and come back to us in the form of an echo
“Let's look and find objects in this magic laboratory that will help us echo.”
The wizard opens the chest, takes out gifts: pictures with the image of musical instruments,
toys, material for their manufacture:
“I want you to become my students — little magicians of sounds.” I give you not simple boxes,
jars, bottles, sticks. Musical instruments are drawn in the pictures that you can turn them into
to receive beautiful melodic sounds.
Children among the objects are searched for those with which you can get an echo, they say
the word "friendship"
“I'm glad I met you.” But now my magic lab is closing. I do not say goodbye, we will constantly
meet with you. How?
- The wizard will come to us in the form of those sounds with which the things around us are
full that you and other people say or sing, in the form of the sounds that you learn to extract
from musical instruments, as well as in the form of wonderful music that sounds now .
Analysis. What I most liked and remembered.
During the lesson, visual, verbal and practical methods aimed at the use of cognitive speech,
motor, practical skills and the ability to improve them were used. All stages of the lesson are
interconnected and mutually conditioned, highlighted by a given topic. Changing the type of
activity helped prevent fatigue. Children switched from word games to practical work.