Page 29 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 29

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                           Qalb Elassad Charij Alsaytara racing and Jr. Landessiegerin, August 2021

        Qalb Elassad Charij Alsaytara                        Benazir went straight with me and my Italian
        Aka Benazir                                          Greyhounds.
        By Sabina Holthoff, Germany.
        Translated from German by M.-Dominique               Benazir could spend all winter in Spain
        C. de Caprona.                                       running free on the beach, got to know many

                                                             different breeds and she is super social with
        Born July 5, 2020, by multi Ch. Ganoosh              all dogs, whether large or small.
        Areen Ksar Ghilane, coursing and racing
        legend out of multi Ch., coursing and                Upon our return to Germany in March 2021, I
        racing Ch. Qalb Elassad Ayda. Breeders: Pia          started slowly to show Benazir. Many judges
        Chaouki and Liina Niemelä, Finland, owner            remarked on her lovely temperament and
        Sabina Holthoff, Germany.                            praised it very often.

        My Sloughias, Anakali and Alsaytara, of the          Her show results speak for themselves.
        Qalb Elassad kennel in Finland came to our           Three Junior “land winners”
        family in Germany at the end of October              (Jugendlandessieger), two Best of Breed and a
        2020. I realized quickly that Alsaytara, aka         DWZRV Junior champion title that she
        Benazir, would be my very special friend.            achieved easily.

        Anakali loves my husband and Benazir is              At the double CAC show in Zehlendorf,
        like my shadow.                                      Benazir competed in the Intermediate class
                                                             and won 2 CACs, ending thus in the waiting
        I suffer from severe rheumatism and drive            period for the adult champion title.
        every year to Spain at the end of December
        to spend the Winter there.
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