Page 31 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 31

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                 Top: Qalb Elassad C'ayn Sharihaty, below: Qalb Elassad C’ant Mukhti, Helsinki 2021 © Kari Vieri

        Qalb Elassad C'ayn Sharihaty                          Eight Sloughis were announced for the first
        Aka Neida                                             day and six for the second.
        Qalb Elassad C’ant Mukhti
        Aka Aapo                                              Two of our juniors from Qalb Elassad kennel
        By Laura Moberg Rauhala, Finland.                     participated in both shows with great results.

        Born July 5, 2020, by multi Ch. Ganoosh               Qalb Elassad C'ayn Sharihaty was Best Bitch
        Areen Ksar Ghilane, coursing and racing               no.3, with reserve CAC on both days. She also
        legend out of multi Ch., coursing and                 won the titles of Helsinki Junior Winner 2021
        racing Ch. Qalb Elassad Ayda. Breeders: Pia           and Finnish Junior Winner 2021.
        Chaouki and Liina Niemelä, Finland.
        Qalb Elassad C'ayn Sharihaty is owned by              Qalb Elassad C’ant Mukhti was Best Male

        Liina Niemelä, Finland.                               no.2, with CAC and reserve NORD CAC. He
        Qalb Elassad C’ant Mukhti is owned by                 also won the titles of Helsinki Junior Winner
        Laura Moberg Rauhala, Finland.                        2021 and Finnish Junior Winner 2021.

        Finally, it happened! It was the biggest dog          Both dogs now have their license to show at
        show event of the year in Finland, Helsinki           Crufts.

        Winner and Finnish Winner 2021.
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