Page 25 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 25

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   2  5

        Finally, a few hours later, about 1:30 pm, he           He loves travel and makes long trips (three
        arrived, rear leg held up, and came up to me.           days to and from Chicago) with ease,
        I was sitting where he had been sighted,                sleeping soundly.
        hoping for a miracle. As soon as he came up
        to me, I gave him some water, picked him                I am ever thankful for those who assisted in
        up, and made my way to a local veterinarian.            his recovery, both from being lost as well as

        Nicco’s leg was indeed broken, but it was set           in his medical progress. He has healed
        and splinted, recovering quickly and easily.            completely and totally, and bears no scars,
                                                                mentally or physically, for what he has
        This past weekend, the first weekend of                 experienced. He is loving, smart and is an
        December 2021, Nicco finished his AKC                   amazing creature that I am so fortunate to
        championship, with a 4 point major and he               have bred, shown and co-owned. I can’t
        earned a Group 1 placement in a tough Bred-             wait to see what wonderful things happen

        By Exhibitor Group. He is the first Sloughi to          next with him!
        be awarded such a fantastic placement in
        this group, in AKC breed history. He looked
        fantastic and moved incredibly, so well, that
        both the breed and group judges
        commented on his smooth and effortless


        What a comeback! I was, and am, overjoyed.
        I am overjoyed he is such a lovely dog, that
        he returned to me after two nightmarish
        days, and did even better than I could have

        He is 14 months old.

        On a different note, Nicco is a pleasure to
        have. He doesn’t have a mean bone to speak
        of, and several judges have remarked to me

        that they are surprised by his amiable
        disposition. (Side note: Sloughis are
        presented in judge education seminars to be
        unstable and difficult to examine by current
        presenters, sadly).

        Editor's note: Aaniq descends from SFAA's

        Tunisian Tarfa, Moroccan Amal, Algerian                              Puppy Aaniq © Lovelady
        Bensekrane's Saff and several Shi'Rayân dogs.
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