Page 20 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 20

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  2  0

        Merewind Adira

        Still winning in her senior years
        By Rachel McCoy, USA.

        Born July 25, 2012, by Dune Des Sources De
        L' Oumerrbia out of Asalah Laila Tiaba, CM,

        SC. Bred by and owned by Rachel McCoy,

        Adira is a drama queen, somewhat
        egotistical and very loyal. When bitten by a
        rattlesnake, she immediately sought me to
        show me the spot.

                                                              Adira, Best of Breed, winning a major, at the San Gabriel
        She had to spend the night in the                    Valley Kennel Club, November 2021, at the age of 9 years
        emergency clinic. The attendant reported                  against much younger Sloughis © Image by Kit
        that when she checked on Adira, she
        noticed her shivering with such a pleading             The veterinarian remarked how she loved to
        expression on her face. She fetched a

        blanket for her, and Adira just rolled it up,          work on show dogs because they are so
                                                               cooperative. Adira loves pampering and is
        rearranged it and curled up in it to her               very affectionate. She "demands" to sleep in
        liking, expressing her gratitude in an                 the bedroom with me, sometimes in the bed.
        obviously dramatic way. The attendant got
        quite a chuckle from her antics.                       She is quite a character.

                                                               Adira has reentered the show circuit and has
        Once Adira got into a tiff with her mother             11 points toward her AKC championship. Her

        and received a slight wound. I took her to
        the emergency clinic to have the wound                 most recent win was Best of Breed and a
                                                               major at the San Gabriel Valley Kennel Club
        stitched. When I got her back, she kept                held November 4, 2021, at the age of 9 years
        glancing at her shoulder. I looked and saw             under judge Luis Sosa.
        another wound and realized she had just

        told me they had missed a spot. So back in
        we went.
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