Page 18 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 18
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 8
Fahel Shi'Rayân overtaking the lure © Big Paw Prints
Sad as it is, now that the breed has been Abbreviations and their meanings:
recognized by ASFA for many years, no
Sloughi has competed at International ASFA: American Sighthound Field
Invitationals after Amal (as of 2021). Association
BOB: Best of Breed
Acknowledgements: FCC: Foundation Coursing Champion
FCh: Field Champion (coursing)
My best thanks go to Lori Coulson (ASFA FCM: Foundation Courser of Merit
Records) and Vicki Fagre-Stroetz (ASFA (coursing)
Communiqué editor) for their invaluable GRC: Gazehound Racing champion (straight
help in quickly providing the locations and racing)
dates of the International Invitationals, as ORC: Oval Racing Champion (oval racing)
well as the names of judges for the Sloughis SGRC: Superior Gazehound Racing
and verifying the names of the Sloughi Champion (straight racing)
winners. I am also very grateful to Gail SORC: Supreme Oval Racing Champion
Wieberdink who could find and send to me (oval racing)
the pins of the II in 2007 that I was missing, TT: Temperament Tested
14 years after the event; Kathryn Nelson for WW 1997: World Winner 1997 (FCI)
sharing the II 1997 silver pin; Karen BIS: Best in Show
Lorenzo, Kathryn Nelson, Vickie Jacobs for BISS: Best in Specialty Show
helping to locate people who could still IABCA: International All Breeds Canine
have ASFA II items. Association
ARBA: American Rare Breed Association
AKC: American Kennel Club