Page 19 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 19

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   1  9

                             NOTEWORTHY ACHIEVEMENTS

                                             Aamal in Nevada, 2021 © Lovelady

        Almahboubin Aamal                                          The goal of the test is to locate by scent
        First Sloughi to achieve an Urban Locating                 live rats, confined in a humane cage, that
        Title I                                                    are hidden in an ‘everyday’ place, such as
        By Nancy Lovelady, USA.                                    a warehouse, a field, or another location
                                                                   which closely mimics a natural situation,
        Born August 26, 2020, by IABCA Int./AKC Ch.                but works to train the dog to find the

        Qalb Elassad Bagir el Qamar out of AKC Ch.                 quarry, in this case the rat, as quickly as
        Kamea Mahanajim. Breeder and owner: Nancy                  possible. There are 4 tests, using different
        Lovelady, USA.                                             scenarios, which the dog must pass, to
                                                                   achieve this title.
        In the United States, we have a variety of
        groups which have an even greater variety of               It is not surprising that a Sloughi can
        titles available for dogs.                                 achieve this title; they are natural

                                                                   hunters, are good trackers and can be
        Aamal has achieved an Urban Location I title,              quite prey driven.
        from the North American Sport Dog
        Association (NASDA) this spring. ‘Urban
        Location’ is an instinct based test, in which

        any breed may enter.

        Editor's note: Aamal descends from Tunisian
        Tarfa, Moroccan Amal, Algerian Bensekrane's
        Saff and several SFAA Shi'Rayân Sloughis.

                                   Aamal is serious about following a scent
                                           trail!! 2021 © Lovelady
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