Page 23 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 23

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   2  3

                                       Saff with a treat, Christmas 2019 © de Caprona

          Saff is an amazing one person Sloughi,                 Saff is the sire of our “V” litter with
          eager to please and cuddly. He is cautious             Moroccan Amal, who is herself a very fast
          with people he does not know and guards                racer and agile courser. Shi’Rayân’s "V"
          the house.                                             litter was born July 22, 2011.

          When entered in racing he first races
          checking everything along the way, on his
          second and third race he goes at full speed
          behind the lure.

                                                                    Saff, 2020 left and 2021 above © de Caprona
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