Page 4 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 4

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  0  4


                                      BY M.-DOMINIQUE CRAPON DE CAPRONA - USA

           Welcome to the 8th issue of the Sloughi             Their achievements are grouped in three
           Review.                                             different chapters: Noteworthy

                                                               Achievements, Promising Youngsters
           Many months have gone by since the                  and Top Dogs.
           beginning of the Covid pandemic in 2019
           without anyone being able to do anything            Last, but not least and very much of
           with their Sloughis.                                general interest, the chapter “Africans in
                                                               Sweden” highlights the importance of
           Now that some dog activities have                   efforts in breeding to pure-bred
           resumed in 2021, we can finally focus in             Country of Origin Sloughis and how well

           this issue on the achievements of                   received such Sloughis are at Swedish
           Sloughis in the Western world.                      FCI shows.

           It begins with a retrospective of Sloughi           I wish our readers the same pleasure I
           wins at the American Sighthound Field               had reading all the stories and looking at

           Association’s largest event of the year:            lovely photos.
           the International Invitational, a walk
           down memory lane.                                   Let me end with sending my best wishes
                                                               for a peaceful celebration of this year’s
           It is followed by portraits of Sloughis that        Holiday season.
           are either Sloughi Fanciers Association of
           America’s Sloughis, descend from SFAA               Thank you everyone for participating;

           Sloughis or are owned by supporters of              the Sloughi Review wishes you all
           the Association for the Support of North            further success, love and fun with your
           African Sloughis.                                   Sloughis in the New Year.
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