Page 7 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 7

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                            Bouthayna, Dr. Bernd Fritzsch and part of Balsam, at the event in 1997
                                                     © Bunny Kelley

        Bouthayna Shi'Rayân won the                             The two sisters continued their winning
        Miscellaneous Class over 18” both days.                 streak in the following years: Balsam won
        Judges were Yvette Alley and Diana Darling              Best of Miscellaneous over 18" at ASFA’s II
        on Saturday, Jane Bulman and Susan                      in Kentucky in 1998 and Bouthayna won

        Weinkein on Sunday.                                     BOB at ASFA’s II in Iowa in 2001.

        Balsam and Bouthayna Shi’Rayân were
        littermates born October 9, 1994.

        They were daughters of top-winning
        multiple BIS Ch. Aswad Shi’Rayân, FCC,

        ORC, SGRC, TT with Estrella de Moreau.
        They were bred and owned by Dr. M.-
        Dominique Crapon de Caprona, USA.

                                                                        Engraved lid of a glass trophy jar
                                                                              of the event in 1997
                                                                                 © de Caprona
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