Page 5 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
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T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 0 5
Medallions of ASFA's IIs © de Caprona
The last issue of the Sloughi Review (#7) In 1972, they started the American
presented the 4 Sloughis that have been Sighthound Field Association (ASFA) and
inducted in ASFA’s Hall of Fame. In an invited other sighthound fanciers from
attempt to preserve the past of the across the nation to join the organization,
Sloughis in the USA, I continue here with with its democratic structure and
the history of Sloughi winners at ASFA’s centralized method of keeping hound
largest yearly lure coursing event in the records.”
USA: the International Invitational (II).
On June 9, 1979, in Summerville, New
From ASFA’s website we learn that: Jersey, the first International Invitational
took place.
“Lure coursing is a performance event
developed in the early 70's by Lyle Gillette Excerpts from the rules of ASFA regarding
and other California sighthound fanciers the purpose of the International
who hunted jackrabbits in the open field, Invitational tell us:
which risked the harm caused by barbed
wire fencing. They invented lure coursing “Each year the ASFA will host the
as a safer, more controlled sport for International Invitational. The purpose of
sighthounds that would recreate the which shall be to promote and further test
physical requirements of open field those hounds that have attained a certain
coursing, allowing them to continue testing number of points toward their Field
the functional abilities of their sighthounds. Championship and hounds that have earned
The hounds chase plastic bags on a course the Field Champion or Lure Courser of Merit
laid out to simulate escaping game. titles…