Page 47 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 47

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  4  7

        10 years later, Ullis Sundell came into our
        life through the Whippets and it was not late

        to nourish our old dream of a Sloughi. In the
        years that followed, she and what we call the
        ”Sloughi family” came on shorter and longer
        visits to our home and we became more
        convinced that we needed a Sloughi in our

        Everyone knows that the right time for a                    Lillit at a sighthound specialty where she was
        puppy will never come, well, the right puppy                      BIS Junior © Charlotta Svensson
        does. So even though we really wanted to
        postpone a puppy until after our house                    If we compare Sloughi to Whippet, which
        renovation, we couldn't resist a                          we have our most experience of, we feel

        granddaughter of the best Sloughi                         that it is almost always easier to be a
        representative we have ever met (Ghazoot                  Sloughi owner compared to being a
        Bashshar).                                                Whippet owner. It is just a little

                                                                  different… and a lot calmer.
        Since we had met different Sloughis, with
        different backgrounds and pedigrees and                   We are so greatful to Ingela Näslund and
        had them as guests in our home as well as                 Ullis Sundell who trusted us with Lillit.
        almost 30 years as a couple together with                 They have both been there to guide us

        sighthounds, we thought we were prepared                  and share their experience with Lillit’s
        for a Sloughi puppy. Oh, how wrong we                     relatives and the breed; trusting that we
        were!                                                     could handle the upbringing of a Sloughia

                                                                  and so far I think we've done okay.
        Lillit has taught us that what we thought we

        knew about dogs is not necessarily                        Our first official adventure was an 850 km
        applicable to a Sloughi. Lillit has really                drive to the North for a sighthound show
        challenged us in what we previously learned               as well as title show where we got to visit
        as dog owners and she taught us a lot about               with her sisters and the rest of the
        ourselves and about what a watchdog with                  Sloughi family. Lillit got her first 2 CACs
        guard and hunting instincts needs and                     and the title Swedish Junior Winner 2019.
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