Page 42 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 42
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 2
Under sighthound expert, Dr. Daniel
Dowling recognized Aafiq’s quality with a
Hound Group placement and Owner-
Handled Group 1. Recently, Aafiq was
featured on television at The Kennel Club
of Philadelphia show at Thanksgiving in
This weekend in Philadelphia (December
2021) I was truly humbled when European
sighthound expert Espen Engh saw Aafiq
and had a wide smile. I thought that was
great because I know Espen Engh is
incredibly discerning and never says
anything to anyone about the merits or
Aafiq with his sister Aaliyah © Brown
demerits of a dog at shows.
The Sloughis quickly made friends with However, Espen Engh recognized Aafiq’s
everyone they saw. As we traveled, the European lines and said that his headpiece,
judges were starstruck when they saw Aafiq especially the width of skull, which he
and Aaliyah. Aafiq kept winning Best of noted is very difficult to get nowadays and
Breed and Owner-Handled Best of Breed his balanced movement was stunning. As I
over his sister. Now, Aaliyah is stunning, took my picture with Espen Engh, he said
but she does think dog shows are playtime. to me “When your boy here matures more,
Aafiq knew to play it cool so he could win he will be placing and winning groups all
over his crazy sister. During March Aafiq the time. He just needs time.” My jaw just
won many owner-handled group dropped. I had seen Espen Engh for 20
placements --- at just 7 months of age!!! years at shows and rarely heard him speak
Aafiq was getting noticed.
except to place dogs in a group. I am still in
Aafiq has surpassed my wildest
expectations. He loves his 1-to-1 time with I can’t wait to see where our adventure
his mom and behaves like a gentleman. He goes.
won his first Hound Group placement in
May 2021, a group 3 under William Editor's note: Aafiq descends from SFAA's
Daugherty who was in awe of Aafiq’s
movement and balance at just 9 months. Tunisian Tarfa, Moroccan Amal, Algerian
Bensekrane's Saff and several Shi'Rayân
This is where Aafiq’s career blossomed.