Page 44 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 44
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 4
Sotku earned the show champion titles
from these countries, also the title Baltic
show champion and he is also an
International show champion (this title
requires 4 CACIBs from at least 3
different countries and there must be at
least 1 year and 1 day between the first
and last CACIB). He also earned some
Winner titles from Finland and abroad.
Puppy Sotku, 2014 © Chaouki
Our main hobby has been dog shows and In shows, Sotku is a very strong and
Sotku has participated in them since he confident performer. He knows how to
was a puppy. He has been quite successful behave and what is expected from him.
in shows even though his color seems to be He is calm and concentrates in the
quite difficult for some judges. Sotku’s moment. When standing, he is a rock,
color is red sand with black mask and when moving, he just glides softly
overlay, and he is quite a strong male, so he forward. Well, at least in the ring he does!
jumps out from the line of light sand dogs.
We tried lure coursing once, when Sotku Sotku turns 8 years next March, so he
was about 1,5 years old, but at that time he gets to compete in Veteran class. We have
was way too young and playful, so that plans to start traveling again within the
hobby stopped there. Baltic and Nordic countries, as there is a
chance to get him Veteran champion
We have traveled to dog shows with Sotku titles from these countries. We get
in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Veteran certifications here in Finland
starting from 1. 1. 2022 so there is now a
chance to get him his own country’s
Veteran champion title, something to look
forward to.
I have lent Sotku for junior handler
competitions and every time he has
performed nicely, even though the
handler was a stranger to him. Also, my
oldest child has competed with him a few
times, so he also works with younger
children, although he is a big dog.
Sotku at home, 2014 © Kerosvuo