Page 41 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 41
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 1
When the puppies were about 7 weeks,
Aafiq took it upon himself to become the
babysitter. Uncle Aafiq would hop over the
short gate, lay in the middle of the puppy
pile, and let them climb all over him,
nibbling his nose, ears and of course that
wagging tail.
Aafiq babysitting Basenji puppies © Brown
As you can imagine, I had lots of “expert”
dog folk telling me he was everything from
a Greyhound (as expected) to a Fox
Terrier… I’m still puzzled at that one. We
told Aafiq’s story to anyone who would
listen from Albuquerque, NM to Asheville,
When we arrived home, Aafiq bounded In mid-January I picked up Aafiq’s lovely
through the house. The two Chihuahuas red sister Aaliyah, Almahboubin Aaliyah.
kept him in line, which he obeyed and still The reunion was so fun to see. They did
does to this day. recall each other and quickly curled up like
ying & yang in the crate and fell asleep.
I had been preparing for my Basenji litter
which was due to arrive the 3rd week of I started showing Aafiq and Aaliyah in
November. The puppies were born March of 2021. I took a month off from
November 19th and Aafiq would tilt his work and traveled with my Basenji mentor,
head whenever he heard little squeaks Pam Geoffroy. We had both Sloughis, and 5
coming from the whelping room. Basenjis. We traveled to Florida, Texas,
Arkansas, Tennessee, and Georgia.