Page 37 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 37

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  7

                                    Esme as a puppy © Clark and now © SandraandDaisy

        Magida Sabiih al Sahra at Thiefside                     Esme made a good start with Best Bitch at

        Aka Esme                                                Hound Show which gave her 4 points, and
        Top Sloughi in the UK                                   she went on to win BB and BOB at the
        By Kath Clark, UK.                                      remaining three shows she attended giving
                                                                her 10 points in total.
        Born, November 10, 2017, Esme is by Multi
        Ch. Ghazoot Chazzin out of Multi Ch.                    She has also done well in “Not Separately
        Djamila Labibah Sabiih al Sahra. She is bred            Classified” where she won one BOB and one

        by M. and G. Arndt, Germany, and owned by               BOS although these do not count towards
        Kath Clark, UK.                                         the Top Dog award.

        2021 has been an exceptional year for Esme.             Esme has also done me proud at “Open
        Top Sloughi 2021 comes from wins at                     show” level, she is the first Sloughi to win

        Championship shows with breed classes only              Best in Show at two consecutive Sloughi
        and is organised and collated by the dog                Club Shows (an award that means more to
        press, namely “Our Dogs” magazine.                      me than the Championship show wins
                                                                where we tend to get smaller entries and
        2019 was the last year we had the full                  the judges are not usually breed
        complement of “Championship shows”                      specialists).
        which numbered 10 including Crufts.

                                                                She also repeated this at Tyne Wear and
        Due to the Covid pandemic the show season               Tees Hound Association shows, a first for
        this year did not start until the “Hound                their Club and the breed.
        Show” in August and only 6 shows ran, one
        of which had none in attendance.
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