Page 38 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 38
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 3 8
Left: Esme BOB, Sloughi Club show © Carter
Esme is now at her absolute best in my Esme as a person away from the show ring
opinion, 4 years old and fully matured, she is a real character. She is famous for
is wonderfully easy to show as she is a very sticking her nose into people's bags and
sociable girl who loves everyone. It also pockets and stealing items. Usually, food
helps that she is food oriented! but also lipsticks and purses have fallen
victim. She mightily upset Sloughi Silas by
This is demonstrated by her previous eating all his treats at Darlington when no-
history: Top Puppy 2018 (including a group one was watching, and she once tried to
4 placing at Darlington Championship make off with the bag of raffle ticket money
show, a first for the breed), as well as Top at a local show!
Sloughi 2019 and Best of Breed at Crufts
2020, the only Championship show of that She is totally NOT a morning person, unlike
year. Winkle who always waits for me at the
bottom of the stairs. I am up and out by
This also made her a great ambassador at 5.30 am through the week and she shows
Discover Dogs where she was absolutely little enthusiasm although she will run
stuffed with treats by every passing child! about with Winkle a bit. That is, until we
She has nothing to prove to anyone, but as turn for home. Then she is off like a shot!
long as she is happy showing I will carry on She knows she will be getting her breakfast
as we both love the day out, and we always as soon as she gets home. She likes a nice
take the best Sloughi home no matter what snack of horse poo and the occasional roll
the result! in it too!