Page 40 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 8
P. 40

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  4  0

         Aafiq observing the street © Brown and Owner Handled Group 1 under Dr. Daniel Dowling, July 2021 © Fritz Clark

        Almahboubin Aafiq                                       I thought to myself, “Geez, I came all this
        2021 #1 Owner Handled Sloughi in AKC                    way to get one of those monsters, I must
                                                                have a fever.”
        Born August 26, 2020, by IABCA Int./AKC
        Ch. Qalb Elassad Bagir el Qamar out of AKC              As I entered the Sloughi puppy velodrome,

        Ch. Kamea Mahanajim. Breeder: Nancy                     all 9 of them came running to inspect their
        Lovelady, owners: Kimberly Brown and                    newest chew toy; me. Then I fell in love. I
        Nancy Lovelady, USA.                                    was so happy to see them all. I couldn’t find
                                                                Aafiq at first because all I saw was a blur of
        A little adventure with Aafiq                           red and sand, some with black masks, some
        By Kimberly A. Brown, MHS, USA.                         without. So, of course I sat down.

        I still recall coming through Nancy                     One little sand boy with a black mask came
        Lovelady’s house the day I picked up Aafiq              running to me and quickly bit my nose
        (Almahboubin Aafiq). I passed the “old lady”            gently. That was him; little Aafiq. Our
        Grace, who gave me the once over, the                   adventure began in that moment.
        gorgeous pale sand Luna who brushed me

        off because I didn’t have snacks for her, and           We drove Aafiq from California to
        finally Finn, who just rolled his eyes at me            Pennsylvania to bring him home. He was
        and proceeded to his couch. Then I                      very good boy, he was quite melodious and
        ventured into the courtyard where I saw                 loved sharing apples with me. At every stop
        what I like to call, “baby velociraptors”,              everyone wanted to know “what kind of
        chasing each other and ripping up the                   dog is that?”
        tomato plants.
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