Page 26 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 2 - Final Copy
P. 26

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   2  6


                                                    –  ‘UICL’
                                   BY WILLEM BUITENKAMP, CHAIRMAN OF THE NVOW*

        Who is still familiar with the UICL? Long                  A big initiator was Belgian Gustave
        time members, no doubt! A fine                             Bernaerts who, shortly after 1900,
        Sighthound organization, which was in fact                 already owned Borzois. In those days,
        declared dissident by the FCI through a                    when Cynology was not very well
        number of decisions. In a later court trial,               organized, the goal of the union was

        the actions of the FCI were declared                       fourfold:
        incorrect and unlawful but that verdict                       1) Compose uniform breed standards
        came too late, because of several reasons                     2) Institute international  prizes for
        the UICL was not continued although – in                      breeders
        cooperation with the FCI – this Union                         3) Organize Sighthound shows
        possibly could have done much good. Even                      4) Establish a UICL-studbook secretary
        today, there are still international

        federations for breeds or breed groups. It                   At the founding meeting the countries of
        is  said that the “FCI Eurosighthound                      Switzerland and the Netherlands were
        Show” is in fact a kind of compensation for                present as guests. The Netherlands were
        the famous UICL-shows. I would love to                     represented by Mr. J. van Essen of the
        take you through a short history of the                    Association of Sighthound lovers. Both

        UICL, because this association was no                      countries became a member at that
        doubt very important in the development                    meeting. Important for the history: the
        of Sighthound sports in general, both show                 UICL was immediately accepted as an
        and racing, in Europe.  UICL, the Union                    affiliated member of the FCI! At this
        Internationale des Clubs de Lévriers, a                    meeting were also present as guests the
        small chronicle.                                           counts Boris and Dimitri Chéréméteff
                                                                   and Mr. G.W. O’Breen.

            • Founded in 1923
            • Dead and gone in 1991
        Two countries, Belgium and France, more
        specifically the Club Belge du Lévrier and
        the Club Français du Lévrier, founded the
        UICL in 1923, statutory on November the

        9th in Ghent (Belgium).
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