Page 29 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 2 - Final Copy
P. 29

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   2  9

      In 1963, in Estoril/Portugal a plan was                     The NVOW* was not always a member.
      presented. A permanent membership was                       The most active period was from 1964
      out of the question but as a compensation                   when we joined as a member again, by
      a FCI committee for Sighthounds was                         the encouragement of our (once again)

      founded (Commission des Lévriers or CdL)                    chairman since 1963 Han Jüngeling. He
      with a member from each UICL country                        became a UICL board member, was
      and one of the members was allowed to                       president of the CdL and out of that
      take place in the FCI standard committee.                   position he was also in the FCI standard
      After 40-year of FCI membership this was                    committee, till his death in 1973. He
      over, although the UICL as an organization                  judged very regularly at UICL shows.
      still existed. The headings on letters were                 Worth mentioning is for sure that the

      for example “UICL” followed by “FCI-                        CdL membership on behalf of the
                                                                  Netherlands, by nomination of the
      sighthound committee”. The first Dutch                      Dutch Kennel Club, came into the hands
      member in this committee was the well                       of our member Ed Grevelt in 1983. He
      known Whippet owner, Mr. J. Hugenholz.                      was chosen president of this FCI
                                                                  committee and he fulfilled this function

                                                                  until 1997. Another member of ours,
                                                                  Gerard Jipping, was also a member of
                                                                  the CdL sometime later.
            The beautiful UICL certificate of “Beauty and Performance”.
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