Page 4 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 2 - Final Copy
P. 4

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  0  4


        Welcome to the second issue of Sloughi                Going back thousands of years becomes
        Review and the interesting contributions it           invaluable when it concerns potential
        has received.                                         African ancestors of the Sloughi breed and

                                                              the beautiful artifacts made for them by
        They start with a portrayal of a wonderful            the people that cherished them in ancient
        Sloughi and his long awaited, uplifting and           times.
        beautiful litter in Scandinavia.
                                                              Likewise, an association which made it
        This depiction is followed by the artist’s            possible in the past to participate with
        presentation of the first Sloughi bronze              one’s Sighthounds in Sighthound sports,

        that has ever been made in the USA and is             something that was impossible before it
        now a stunning addition, many decades                 was created, should be remembered for
        later, to the masterpieces representing this          enabling today’s Sighthounds to compete
        breed from the 1800s to the early 1900s.              in what they love to do best: running and
                                                              chasing the lure. Without the Union
        These texts are followed by the needed                Internationale des Clubs de Lévriers, none

        presentation and explanation of AKC titles,           of the non-commercial sports
        as they are quite different from titles               Sighthounds, and in particular Sloughis,
        earned in other show circuits.                        enjoy today in the FCI system would exist.

        Finally, this issue continues and ends with           When it comes to History, everything is
        articles that take us back in time                    always somehow somewhere connected.
        thousands of years in Ancient Egypt and               Even some of the Sloughi athletes of

        the past century in Europe.                           yesteryear are hovering in the background
                                                              of Sloughi athletes today.
        Is History really relevant today one may
        ask, as it took place long ago?                       We hope you enjoy this issue and our best
                                                              thanks go to our contributors without
                                                              whom none of this would exist.

                                                                         Dominique Crapon de Caprona PhD
                                                                                                   Crescent, IA
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